Why it’s fashionable to embrace resuables

Kate Hall reusables

Kate Hall aka Ethically Kate knows all about reusables. Image supplied.

Being ‘on trend’ isn’t something I usually strive for or feel happy about. I’m one of those people who will wear flares if they goddamn want to, even if I stick out like a sore thumb (though these days, you do if you don’t wear em).

But this year, I noticed a trend that I am more than okay to keep up with. It’s a trend that goes beyond fashion and concerns the continuing existence of human life on earth…


Reusables are trendy AF right now. Have you noticed? Paul Rudd, Kate Moss and even Aunty Jacinda are rocking reusables publically. Celebrities are encouraging the rest of the world to get excited about how their reusable coffee cup matches their shoes, and world leaders with their heads screwed on are boycotting single use food packaging, because it simply makes sense. Not producing any waste because you understand it’s bad for the planet; now that’s trendy.

This world-saving trend means we need to adapt our fashion accordingly. Looking around, I’ve noticed how reusables have changed fashion as we know it.


Bigger bags
But where will you store your reusables? Mini backpacks and bulkier handbags rejoice; you’re being welcomed back into the game too. It’s reusables you have to thank for this.

Need to store your reusables in a stylish backpack? The Velvet Heartbeat Tavi Foldover Mini Backpack is ethically made in Auckland from vegan materials.


String bags
You know those nautical looking bags with the huge gaping holes that mean you most definitely cannot put anything smaller than a cellphone in them? Get one. Otherwise you’re not keeping up!

It’s the classic farmers market look. The outfit that says “Look at me! I care about the planet with my market bag, even though I’m just going to a fashion show and may or may not actually shop at farmers markets”. I’m not saying this wanna-be look is a bad thing… any step in the right direction is important for change.

Reckon this look is for you? The Natural Co. have long handled organic cotton reusable bags at a super affordable price. The bags carry up to 15kg, so pack as many reusables as you wish.


Designer reusables
Perhaps designer reusables haven’t completely taken off (yet), but there is definitely a reusables comparison game. What type of drink bottle do you have? Oh, you only have the 2017 KeepCup… shame. The colour, style, and model of your reusables are important. Just like all fashion accessories, reusables say a lot about a person.

Don’t have your reusables sorted yet? Shh, I won’t tell anyone. I’d recommend tiptoeing over to Be Vibrant who have a range of reusable products such as insulated stainless steel tumblers, blown glass water bottles, and even sporks.

There’s no doubt that this earthy trend has also changed the way we eat out. Not all cafes have jumped on board, so navigating where to go for waste free eating, is an art. Thank goodness for UYO “Use Your Own”. Through a few clicks, I can find a cafe who won’t stare me down as I walk over with my clunking bag of reusables, who’ll offer me plant based options, Wifi, and even fill up my reusable drink bottle. UYO is the BFF of a trendy fashionista, no matter if you have the latest Frank Green mug, or if you rock the rustic jar and rubber band look. They’ve got you.

While being a trend assumes this green movement will not last, it’s certainly here to stay in many spheres. Most trends come and go, but let’s make this one stick.

Are you on trend yet?

Images supplied.