What’s the buzz around collagen supplements?


NEE-V founder Eryn Behan

Collagen supplements have been around for a while. Can taking a bit of powder each morning really give us a magical potion that can dramatically improve skin, prevent gut inflammation, and aid digestion? We consult NEE-V founder Eryn Behan on whether collagen supplements actually work.

Firstly, what is collagen?

Put simply, collagen is a major component of our skin. It is a protein that the body produces to provide structure, support, and strength to our skin, muscles, bones, and connective tissues. Collagen actually makes up a third of the total protein content in our bodies. It connects our organs, skeleton and muscles while providing a surrounding structure (or scaffolding). Collagen is found in ligaments, tendons, muscles, bones, skin, and the lining of our gut.

If it’s already in our bodies, why do we need to supplement it?

Unfortunately, as we age, our body starts producing less collagen (this starts happening usually around the 30-year-old mark). Once the body slows down collagen production, we can be left with skin that is thinner, drier, and less elastic (all of which can unfortunately lead to wrinkle formation). Internally, the lack of collagen can also lead to stiff joints and gut issues. The good news is, however, that we can work towards replenishing this loss of collagen via collagen supplements. Sounds too good to be true?! Well, thankfully research says it’s not.

What can collagen supplements help with?

When it comes to our skin, research suggests collagen supplements can assist with slowing down the skin ageing process and can restore skin hydration, elasticity, and density. Specifically, collagen plays an excellent role in strengthening skin, as well as in improving elasticity and hydration. What’s more, research shows regular consumption of collagen has the ability to repair and prevent gut inflammation and associated symptoms. Ingestible collagen has been clinically proven to support gut health by improving the intestinal barrier and preventing leaky gut. Research also found that collagen has two key amino acids, glycine and proline, and these amino acids can help heal the stomach lining and the intestinal wall. Additionally, collagen can regulate gastric juice secretion and prevent the excess of those juices.

And the benefits of collagen don’t just stop there. Collagen can make for a great digestive aid as well. Supplementing collagen can prevent and/or provide relief from a variety of gut complications, including ulcers and inflammation of the gut wall. Collagen also supports bone, joint health, including efficacy in addressing osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.


How do collagen supplements actually work?

Without getting too scientific, collagen supplements essentially contribute to collagen reserves in our bodies (aka helps replenish some of that loss). Just like you might take an iron supplement if you’re vegetarian (and not getting much iron in your diet), you can take collagen to give you a replenishment (knowing that the body stops producing as much collagen as we age). Both fish and bovine (beef collagen) have skin benefits so if you were just after improvements in the skin, you could take either collagen. However, to support joint health and the gut, bovine collagen is considered the superior collagen type.

What else do we need to know?

Not all collagen is made equal. In fact, some collagen supplements on the market claim a lot of benefits but aren’t actually backed by any research that it works. Choose a collagen supplement that has been clinically proven and approved by the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration).

What piqued your interest around collagen and creating your own brand?

I came up with the idea of NEE-V after years of personally trying an array of topical creams and collagen and becoming interested in ingestible collagen. I was particularly interested in how our inner wellness has such a huge impact on our skin. I became aware of collagen powders due to the many available on the market, however, through my research found that what was currently available wasn’t really backed by research and science (particularly in Australia). A lot of what I found was very well marketed yet missed a lot of the information that was important to me – such as how much collagen was actually in a formulation and what was the strength. A lot of claims seemed generic about collagen and none of the claims were backed by real research (which concerned me in a heavily unregulated industry).

This sparked my curiosity to create a collagen formulation that is actually backed by science and hence, NEE-V was born. Through my journey of creating a science-backed formulation, I consulted the expertise of pharmaceutical consultants. By doing this, I was able to make sure my collagen had real scientifically-backed studies to ensure it was going to be the best on the market. This is also why I chose to invest in having the formulation backed by the TGA.

Eryn Behan is the founder of NEE-V, an ingestible collagen that has been clinically proven to promote collagen formation, improve skin elasticity, and improve hair and nail growth. This all-in-one daily beauty ingestible also supports the gut, digestion, and joint health, all while improving the quality of skin, hair, and nails.

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