VOLCOM Denim Recycling Program – Collects for the Homeless

More than 250 retail stores across Australia and New Zealand are calling out for the public to donate their pre-loved denim as part of this year’s Volcom Give Jeans a Chance campaign.

The goal is to collect as many jeans as possible for homeless and disadvantaged people in need, ready to be distributed in time for winter. From now until May 31st, Denim Recycle Bins are set up in participating stores and awaiting donations.

Anyone who donates a pair of jeans at these participating stores will receive a limited edition GJAC Sticker, Skate DVD, GJAC tote bag or GJAC hat and will be automatically entered to win a THRILLS Custom Motorbike and a year’s supply of Volcom Brand Jeans.

Fifty more winners will be randomly chosen from each participating store to receive a pair of Volcom Brand Jeans. Last year, Volcom collected more than 3,000 pairs of jeans nationally (tripling their target!) and donated them to a number of worthy homeless organisations across Australia and New Zealand including Homeless Connect, the Prahran Mission and the Auckland City Mission.


For the first time this year a number of schools will also be participating as well as a selection of national Board Rider Clubs. In addition to donating jeans through Volcom retailers nationally, collection bins will also be present at a number of other key Volcom surf and skate events happening around the country.

For more information about Give Jeans a Chance including a full list of retail stores taking donations across Australia and New Zealand visit: www.volcom.com.au/2012/02/givejeansachance