Volcom brings new life to old jeans

With more than 500 ‘hidden homeless’ on Auckland streets each night this winter and around 40% of those under the age of 24, Volcom’s Give Jeans a Chance campaign has proven to be both a timely and highly effective campaign. 

Volcom’s goal is a worthy one; collect as many pairs of jeans as possible for homeless and disadvantaged people in need in time for the cold winter months.  Their premise is simple; ask the public to drop their old (but still wearable) jeans into one of the Volcom retailers around the country and get them to the people in need. 

250 retail stores across New Zealand and Australia took up the challenge, taking donations of pre-loved denim throughout May and, proving there’s life in old jeans yet, the jeans just flooded in.

John Clapham, Volcom Managing Director says he is rapt with the generosity of kiwis.

“We were blown away by the support of schools, national Board Rider clubs and companies of our campaign,” said Clapham. “We received well in excess of 1500 pairs of good quality jeans in only a few weeks and we continue to receive more still daily.”

All jeans collected around the country have been bundled together and will be donated back to the Auckland City Mission who works daily with the increasing number of homeless in and around Auckland City.

Diane Robertson, Auckland City Missioner believes that Give Jeans a Chance has been an essential part of the Auckland City Missions 2012 Winter Appeal.

“Winter is an extremely difficult time for Auckland’s homeless and the Mission receives many requests for warm clothing and blankets. Volcom’s Give Jeans a Chance campaign is a wonderful boost to our ability to provide our clients with warm clothing as the weather gets colder.” Diane Robertson Auckland City Missioner.

The Volcom team and Auckland City Mission will team up in a united front on Monday July 9, 2012 at the Auckland City Mission to host a morning where those in need are encouraged to come along for a warm bite to eat and drink and to get a pair of jeans!