Twenty Seven Names A/W 2011


The show opened with Jimi Hendrix's dirty guitar blasting and a sweeter than pie cream cable cardi and floaty, prairie style dress, coming down the runway. A series of horizontally pleated bodices on cream chiffon dresses followed, before moving onto utility style capes and coats in heavy wool flannel.


Shrunken school blazers and leather sleeve letterman jackets undercut the sweetness and light of floaty chiffon layers underneath. Then one of the most direct school references you could imagine, a 60's style school pinafore and shirt, topped with a black blazer with white trim. As someone who loathed the high school experience, I was already thinking, take me back.


The collection then moved onto a series of cute prints. These girls really know how to chose fabrics. 90's rapper Skee-lo had the front row nodding their heads to the beat, while pussy-bow dresses with peter pan collars and matching rucksacks came out. The look was cutesy, while still staying mature enough to appeal to an audience beyond high school.


It's easy to say that I am now a confirmed Twenty Seven Names super fan, already imagining most of this in my winter wardrobe for next year. I think it 's fair to assume that this collection is going to be big next season, confirming the girls as no longer up and coming, they have arrived.

Julia Dick

Photography c/- Hillary Johnston