Trelise Hearts Evelyn


Evelyn Ebrey. Image via Facebook.

Evelyn Ebrey has had a really exciting year so far!  While her post graduate diploma from the London College of Fashion and sejourn at Conde Nast UK were definite highlights, just last week she started working at Trelise Cooper as the company’s Digital Marketing Creative. “Even though it’s only been a few days, it’s been absolutely brilliant so far,” Evelyn told FashioNZ. “I’m responsible for creating and monitoring all the brand’s social media content across Facebook, twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as maintaining the Trelise Cooper blog and writing marketing material. I’m really thrilled to have landed a job with such a great company, which will allow me to think creatively and work with an inspiring team every day. I’m also really excited about attending New Zealand Fashion Week again this year – I’m going to have a hectic week, but I can’t wait”.

FNZ: What inspires you in fashion?
Evelyn: I love everything about fashion – it’s an ever-changing business full of creativity and amazing ideas.  I get inspired a lot by people I know who wear and create wonderful things. We certainly have a lot of talent in this country, which helped make the decision to come home and be part of the industry here an easy one.

I’m always inspired by runway, there is just something magical about it: the looks are such extreme versions of beauty and the idealised versions of how the label sees their collection. I also love the theatricality of it all, it appeals to my previous incarnation as a film and theatre practitioner.

FNZ: Describe your personal style…
Evelyn: Definitely very feminine. I pretty much only wear dresses and skirts, jeans haven’t been in my wardrobe in the past five years.  I really love to dress up and wear silk and lace. Beautiful fabrics that are lovely to wear make me feel happy. I’m grateful to have a job that will mean I get to wear pretty things all the time.

Evelyn with bloggers Natalie Cantell and Katharine Lowe at MBFWA, Sydney 2012

FNZ: What’s your must-buy for this summer?
Evelyn: I’m on the hunt for the perfect pair of sandals this summer. I don’t have a good pair any more, as I’ve had three consecutive winters with all the traveling I’ve done over the past couple of years. I keep meaning to pop into Kathryn Wilson’s new store in Britomart to check out her new collection in person. I buy at least a pair or two of her fabulous shoes every season.

FNZ: Who is your favourite international designer/label?
Evelyn: It’s pretty much impossible to pick just one, but I adored Raf Simon’s recent couture collection for Christian Dior. I’m a big fan of the classic European labels; Chanel, Lanvin, Balenciaga, Prada etc.

FNZ: What is your must-have beauty item?
Evelyn: I do a lot of long days and late nights so YSL Touche Eclat is my number one go-to item. It’s the best concealer ever and helps me look so much more awake than I actually feel most of the time. One of my friends in London put me onto it and it came in very handy when I was a busy student. M.A.C. mascara, lipstick and eyeliner are also always in my makeup bag.

Look by Trelise Cooper at the NZBCF Fundraiser, 17 August 2012 c/- The A List

FNZ: Do you have a fail-safe item of clothing/outfit?
Evelyn: I have a beautiful floral TopShop blazer that I got in London that brightens up outfits nicely. I get so many comments on it when I wear it, the print is really lovely and it’s got so many different-coloured flowers that I can work pretty much any coloured garment with it.

FNZ: Apart from the normal keys, phone and wallet, what are three things that are always in your handbag?
Because I spend quite a lot of time out and about, going to events and meetings I always have fruit or nuts for snacks, a change of shoes (so I can do many different things in a day – if you see me out in heels, chances are I have flat shoes in my bag), and usually at least one or two fashion magazines – at the moment I have Elle UK and The Gentlewoman in my bag.

FNZ:  Finish this sentence…I would never be caught wearing?
Evelyn: Crocs!  Never, ever, ever!