Top 8 fashion must buys to get your guy this Xmas

Christmas comes but once a year, and for many it can be fraught with difficulties…what should you buy your significant other?  For guys it’s pretty easy to get the lady in your life something she’ll treasure forever, I mean you’ve already got us, what more could she need, right?  But for girls I’m told it can present a challenge, as guys can be a bit tricky to buy for.

If you’re like me, you’ll also receive occasional gentle suggestions of what you should wear – so girls, Xmas undoubtedly provides an excellent opportunity to conduct some fashion ‘tweaking’.  That is why, with the help of Lena Aseeva, we’ve each put together our top four fashion must buys for your guy (or in my case, what I’d like Lena to buy me for Xmas).  To keep it honest, we’ve also provided each other a bit of feedback on one another’s suggestions…

Will’s Top Four Xmas Gift Ideas for Guys:

1) Vintage Typewriter Key Cufflinks (Choose your letters), $34



If you’re like me, and enjoy a bit of customisation around your getup, you can’t go past these custom vintage typewriter key cufflinks.  Created from vintage typewriter keys, these Stirling silver cufflinks can be selected to have any letter variation you choose – i.e your awesome boyfriends initials, if you so choose.  Trust me, for a guy, it makes it that little bit sweeter getting dressed in the morning.  Simple, classy and unique – what every guy wants to be.

This is actually something that I considered putting on my list! Cufflinks are super stylish, and make a great gift. There are so many to choose from, too!

2) Light Summer Blazer, $150+


It’s getting warmer, very warm, and if you ladies haven’t yet encountered wearing a full woolen suit during the daytime of a New Zealand summer, trust me, it’s an experience you won’t want to repeat.  For the partner looking to go all out, a light summer blazer is the perfect buy for your guy. Lightweight, casual, yet wearable at work, it’s the perfect addition to keep cool while looking even cooler. Sizing can be a little tricky (best to check what he’s already wearing, then maybe add 1-2cm), and be sure to keep the receipt.  Prices can vary, but you can pick up a low-cost one at many shops, or ASOS has decent range.

A blazer is fantastic, although, as Will pointed out, sizing is really tricky. With this in mind, shop carefully, perhaps measure his shoulders when he's not looking, and I'm sure you'll find a great fitting blazer that's both a casual and sophisticated addition to his wardrobe.

3) Trilby Hat (or Fedora), $30+


Slip, slop, slap and wrap team. The Kiwi summer is a cooker, and the gift of a hat is both stylish and functional for those outdoor festivities. These are available in a range of colours, styles and looks to suit any guy, and make a great extra gift for the stocking.  Available from a huge range of stores, it’s just a matter of popping down to your local shopping district.

Hats are awesome, but make sure you've seen him in a hat before you consider giving this as a gift. In my opinion, not every face shape suits a hat (particularly not a fedora or bowler), so be cautious.

4) Custom Havaianas, $35+


Sorry, I know I harp on about customisation, but seriously – guys love it.  It shows your man you do indeed think about him, enough to think “hey, I wonder if he really vibes lime green or fluro blue?” Not only will these pair up nicely for summer (with say a sharp looking hat), but they’ll be getting plenty of use until he’s worn them through.  The Concept Store runs workshops to get your very own pair produced, so give them a call and see what’s on offer.

Lena: And here I was, being semi-impressed with the guy's perspective list… Jandals. Jandals should only be worn to the beach, and possibly around the pool. Jandals can (and should) be substituted for boat shoes, or any other type of light shoe. Unless he promises to only wear his custom Havaianas on the beach, I would say to stay away from this gift. Sorry, Will!

Lena’s Top Four Xmas Gift Ideas for Guys:

1) Chino-esque Pant


Barkers Montauk Pant, $129.99

Another stylish piece from Barkers, this slim fitting denim pant is a great alternative to jeans for summer. Different from the classic chino fabric, the Montauk pant could also ease him in to wearing actual chinos next season..! For now, though, these chino-substitutes are totally stylish, sophisticated, and wearable, without being too preppy. These pants are also pre-treated with crease detail on the backs of the knees and ankles. Vintage.

Will: An excellent choice, chinos are a great way to keep it causal with a bit of class this summer, and these would pair nicely with a sporting summer blazer.  Easily rolled up on those warmer days or casual beach adventures – I highly recommend.

2) Boat Shoes


R&G Bradleys Landing Boat Shoe, in Terracotta, $199

Even if he’s unlikely to be on a boat this summer, these casual-cool shoes are bound to suit most garments in his wardrobe. Boat shoes are also perfectly in theme with the nautical vibe that is so cool for summer. The leather pair above is from Rodd and Gunn, and is made in Portugal. With four colours to choose from, the boat shoe is a Christmas gift that is truly versatile.

Slightly tougher – does your guy actually own anything these would go with?  Men are often fairly relaxed when it comes to what they’ll wear, but shoes are something we can both easily have an opinion on, and shop for relatively simply (they’re just there on the wall!).  Having said that, boat shoes are a safe bet, and will come in handy – hell, you might even score a boat ride.

3) A cool pendant


Culet Deluxe Revolver Pendant, $288

Jewellery is always a great gift to give and receive, which is why I’ve chosen this pendant as another item on this Christmas list. Culet, for example, make lots of great guys jewellery, and are a safe and stylish choice for any discerning male. Made from sterling silver, this revolver actually spins – very cool.

Will: Excellent choice – not a huge Culet fan personally, but there are some amazing jewellery pieces for guys around at the moment, and they are very simple to wear and make look good.  Accessorizing, once firmly outside the sphere of man, is now firmly entrenched.  If you’re stuck for ideas, Karen Walker offers some suitably manly pieces and is a great place to start looking.

4) A Functional yet Stylish Bag


Ralph Lauren Deerfield Vanchetta Mailbag, $995

This ultra-stylish yet classic messenger-esque bag is crafted in Italy from the finest leather and finished with antiqued hardware, creating an inspired vintage look. The bag is big enough for him to store all of his necessities when going to the office, while remaining versatile – allowing it to be slung on the shoulder during a Saturday of errand-running.

Will: Yes, I want it.  Black or dark brown leather satchels never look bad, this is a great suggestion.

That’s all from us, Merry Xmas and happy shopping!