The Cold light of day

Today it finally happened; I stepped out of the office at 5.30pm and it felt like 7.30 pm. 


The air felt chilly and the sun had all but called it a day.   


State of Grace Winter 2013 – The Tale of a Regal Rose

I can’t complain about having a bit of a lie-in in the morning but there was a predictable sadness in knowing my summer resolutions would have to be shelved for another year. 


So what do you do when you realise that the endless summer does in fact end? 


Left to right: Interior pic and Sakaguchi Winter 2013

When you actually do feel the cold and your winter wardrobe seems decidedly less interesting then the last time you looked at it.  Time for a rethink methinks?

Left to right: Maaike Winter 2013, rug by

Last month I was excited about brights (I still am) but there are another set of colours that are so broodingly befitting to the drop in temperature and darker days that they can’t be overlooked.  I’m talking about the gritty, earthy colours of black, brown, grey and tawny beige.  

Left to right: Drawers from, Sabatini Winter 2013

Some might say wardrobe staples, but as you can see from the above and below examples they are more than just mere fundamentals.

Left to right: Lounge suite from, Paco Gil from Scarpa Winter 2013

As Kiwis we tend to gravitate toward the quarter teas and sandy tones of paint colours so imagine how easy and edgy it would be to stick with this vibe but inject some modern black pieces in different textures into the mix.  

Left to right: Interior by, STORM Winter 2013


Think wooden detailing for the home, fur throws and chrome accents or for yourself think cotton tops with leather sleeves, faux fur jackets and oversized jewellery.

Left to right: Stool by Sabatini Winter 2013

As I collate a wish list of new designer favourites to grace the walls of my Pinterest archives (at least for now, that is) I find solace in knowing that some of these colours already feature strongly in my wardrobe.

A wardrobe of neutrals or home with neutral decor is not in the least bit boring if you know how to play with contrasting textures – hard and soft, shiny and rough, new and old. 

I’m going to have a play around with the balance of these tones to see what I come up with; that and a glass of wine should be the perfect solution to a cold night in I should think. 


Erena Te Paa