Target: 500 Pink Ribbon Breakfasts this May

The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation (NZBCF) is calling on people from around New Zealand to hold a Pink Ribbon Breakfast this May, with the support of top model Rachel Hunter.


This growing tradition began in 2008 and to date 1,150 breakfasts have been held.  The Foundation is hoping to reach 500 this year.

International model Rachel Hunter has spoken up to endorse the campaign. “I’ll be supporting The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation’s Pink Ribbon Breakfasts, please say you will too,” she says.

“The beauty of a Pink Ribbon Breakfast is that it’s something almost anyone can do,” says Evangelia (Van) Henderson, Chief Executive of the NZBCF.  “It’s easy, sociable and built around the most important meal of the day.”

Over the years the Foundation has been supported by individuals and organisations ranging from clubs and sports teams to coffee and church groups.  This year a flagship event at the Auckland Museum in early May will kick off the annual campaign. 

The Museum has kindly given the Foundation use of its new rooftop event centre for the occasion which will play host a number of high profile guests and entertainment including Al Brown, Dr Libby Weaver, and Vince Harder from the Jersey Boys.

Funds raised in the Pink Ribbon Breakfasts this year will go towards the Foundation’s work to support people in the community with breast cancer.  The NZBCF currently provides funding to organisations such as Sweet Louise, YWCA Encore, Pink Pilates and Dragon Boats.

Early bird tickets (up to 19th April) are $70 per person and tables for 10 are $650.Tickets can be booked on line at  or download a booking form and post it to The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation, PO Box 99650, Newmarket, and Auckland 1149.

For further information please contact- Rose Caughey [email protected] or 021 274 1537