Style File: Eva Cambourn from Grumpysuns

Style File Eva Cambourn from Grumpysuns

Eva Cambourn from Grumpsuns. Image supplied.

Eva Cambourn founded ethical streetwear label Grumpysuns in late 2015 and the hemp-based brand has gained a loyal following over the past three years. Grumpysuns made their New Zealand Fashion Week debut in September as part of Good Magazine’s ethical fashion show. Eva has a passion for sustainable and environmentally friendly living which is also the ethos of Grumpysuns.

We caught up with Eva to find out more about her brand, what inspires her and what you would never catch her wearing!

Tell us about your latest collection?
90’s cut, staples wear. Short and long sleeve tees, hoodies and hats made from hemp and organic cotton. 
My style I would describe as most similar to that of Keith Haring in the 70’s and 80’s, I love what he did and what he stood for.

What made you become a designer?
Wanting to inspire some environmentally friendly change in an industry I was familiar with. I love fashion and the feeling an item or outfit can give you. In a society that is becoming more conscious it’s good to have that feel good about the planet vibe covered also. We like to use positive or thought-provoking messages and statements on our pieces to try and invite solutional thinking.

What inspires you?
People’s enthusiasm for something they love, my environment and settings that bring me conscious thought or joy. Good music.

Style File Eva Cambourn from Grumpysuns

Looks from Grumpysuns current collection.

Describe your personal style and how it influences your designs?
I live in a different era for sure, nearly all my clothing is at least second-hand, so it’s a mix of old school 80’s – 90’s, hip hop, retro ski, and vintage. High-waisted baggy pants and a crop top is a goodie.

What is your all-⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠time favourite purchase?
My 1982 Mitsubishi Sigma.

What wardrobe item should everyone invest in?
I mean grumpysuns for sure, it would definitely be appreciated.

Do you have a style rule you always obey?
No way! Just do whatever makes me feel good or comfortable in.

Style File Eva Cambourn from Grumpysuns

Look from Grumpysuns current collection.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?
Love the gigs we are throwing through the brand, love seeing happy faces and dancing bodies.
NZFW was incredible as well, but also incredibly stressful.

What can’t you live without?
Music, I have a life soundtrack for sure.

Finish this sentence – You would never catch me wearing…
Probably real fur.

Images supplied.