Style Doctor Jackie Answers You

Hi Jackie,
I love big, chunky knitted cardigans and would love one for winter but I don't have much of a waist and most of the ones I have tried on just make me look like a big block! Have you got any suggestions for styles that would suit?

Hi Megan,
Yep – that’s tricky. The best option would be one with a broader shawl collar and a tie belt. Wear it unbuttoned and slightly open all the way from top to bottom and tie the belt so it sits a little loose. The shawl collar is curvy so it will add a little curve, wearing it open creates a strong vertical that draws your eye inward and the belt tied a little loosely will define a softer waist.

Hi Jackie,
I'm 24 I'm looking for some nice beige pants. Do you have any recommendations on what would suit me?

OK Adrienne, no shape descriptors there!!! Beige pants are a little tricky to find this year and you’ve not specified casual or dress. You can always find beige pants at Esprit, Karen Walker has some and I think I’ve also spied some at Country Road also. Good luck!

Hi Jackie,
I've been looking everywhere for a good ball dress and all I can find are gross long glossy ones, that are all a bit too tacky. Please help me, I want something quite glamorous on the night which is supposed to be highlight of my social calendar.

Hi Issy,
I’m not sure where you are based but I’d try a couple of vintage stores to see if you can get a glamorous gown from days gone by. You’ll know then you are wearing something unique and a little bit special. If you look for a ‘60s inspired gown it will have the elegance you are perhaps looking for. If you are in Auckland then Modes would appear to have a huge selection.

Hi Jackie,
Which school would you recommend be the best to study and give the best opportunities once completed in fashion design?

Hi Tara,
To be honest, I think if you’ve got talent then any fashion school would teach you how to develop that. I am really unsure as to the “best” but if I were you, I’d take advantage of the fact that New Zealand is small enough to get on the phone or email a couple of my favourite designers to find out their thoughts.

Hi Jackie,
I am a self-confessed tomboy and have never looked much like a girl. I'm now at uni and want to know what I can wear that isn't too tomboyish, yet is still casual.
Please help!

Hi Marina,
I think it’s a good idea to ‘ease’ yourself into a more feminine look – if I suggest you race out and buy a frilly dress, I suspect you won’t feel very comfortable in it. No doubt you already wear jeans, so this isn’t too much of a transition: buy a pair of women’s jeans that fit you really well; that may mean going a little tighter than you have previously worn and look for either a classic boot cut or a straight leg. Add to these jeans some stylish tops rather than T-Shirts and buy a pair of flat shoes that aren’t trainers. It’s also a good idea to read fashion magazines occasionally, so you can learn how to put some looks together and a spot of lip-gloss and mascara won’t go astray, either!