Spring clean your skincare: Tips from Bridget Carmady of Clémence Organics

Clémence Organics

Bridget Carmady of Clémence Organics

Spring is the perfect time to take stock of your beauty routine and consider changing some products and habits from winter to lighter spring choices.

Naturopath and founder of Clémence Organics Bridget Carmady is an advocate for ‘lightening the load’ when it comes to skincare ingredients and formulas.

“Spring is all about stripping off the layers. You wear less clothing as it warms up, hence you should do the same with your skincare.”

  1. ‘Spring clean’ your skincare. Go through your beauty cabinet and get rid of anything you haven’t used for the last 12 months or anything that isn’t pulling its weight. Remember, good skincare has a short shelf life, so you want to check those best before dates.
  2. Give your face a refresh. Over winter, our skin cell turnover slows, and skin can become dull and dry. So it’s essential to use an exfoliant to get rid of excess skin cells and hydrate and revitalise skin.
  3. Get on top of pigmentation before summer. Prevention is ALWAYS the best remedy, but if pigmentation is left unchecked all winter, now is the time to get it under control before you start spending time in the sun.
  4. Start wearing sunscreen every day (if you’re not already). Choose one that sits light on the skin and comfortably under makeup, so you don’t have excuses not to wear it.
  5. What you put on your skin goes into your body, so choose wisely. I come from a health background and so I’m supremely conscious of what I put on my skin. I would never use anything that could potentially disrupt my health. Where possible, choose certified organic skincare.
  6. It’s never too early to start looking after your skin. Prevention is always better than a cure and so the younger you establish a good skincare routine, become rigorous about applying sunscreen and keeping your skin hydrated, the more youthful your skin will stay. Spring is a good time to implement some new habits.

Clémence Organics

Sydney-based Bridget launched Clémence Organics in 2016, with a core facial and body range. It has since gone on to attract widespread acclaim and awards. In fact, Clémence Organics is now Australia’s most awarded organic skincare brand.

The original inspiration for Bridget’s products came about when she started work on a balm for her Dad, who was receiving radiation treatment for throat cancer.

“I wanted him to have a balm that could help soothe his dermatitis, heal damaged skin, and provide a natural barrier.”

The positive impact of that first balm inspired Bridget to continue developing a range of organic products, evolving to include high-end skincare.

“As a degree-qualified naturopath, I’ve always been passionate about natural but effective ways to help people improve their health.

“I started my career in complementary medicine research before running a naturopathic clinic, where I used nutrition, supplements, herbal medicine, and lifestyle changes to remedy people’s health issues.”

Through her clinic, Bridget started noticing a common thread around skincare concerns from clients. For some, it was ageing skin; for others, sensitivity, acne, eczema, or rosacea.

“I too had skin challenges, having experienced acne in my teens, scarring in my 20s and signs of ageing in my 30s. However, my clients and I were faced with a lack of skincare products on the market that were gentle and made from natural, organic ingredients but still able to deliver powerful results and the luxurious experience of conventional high-end skincare. So, I decided to develop my own, and Clémence Organics was born.”

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