Six Items Every Man Must Own


I caught up with Eddie Von Dadelszen, Creative Director at Working Style, to get the ultimate guide to every must have item the modern, suave and debonair male must have.


Leading the team at one of New Zealand's leading, and highest level, style outlets, Eddie is ideally placed to provide such advice.  


Sharply tailored, impeccably groomed and masterfully accessorized, Von Dadelszen first started with the brand as Working Style Chancery’s Tailoring Development Manager and is now Creative Director.  


I snuck in a question on how Kiwi blokes compare to international trends, to which he replied, "I think that the instantaneous nature of the internet and the wealth of quality menswear material available online facilitates a more globalised approach to fashion and  sees New Zealand men dressing better and better every season.


I also think it’s up to New Zealand brands to consistently challenge their customers with up to date and stylish collections that reference with is happening internationally."


And if New Zealand Fashion Week 2011 is a good indicator, we're only improving.  


Now without further ado…Eddie Von Dadelszen: six items every man must own:


1. A Blue suit and a grey suit: the business staples that can be worn for a multitude of other purposes. Both should be sharply tailored and the style should flatter your physique


2. Dinner suit:  choose a style that reflects your personality and approach to formal dressing; midnight blue is just as classic a choice as plain black.  


A dark red velvet number should be approached with extreme caution. Grosgrain lapels and details are an exceptional choice in my opinion.


3. Brown shoes: from classic burnished brogues to exotic leathers, brown complements the coloured neutrals of corporate wear (blues, greys etc) beautifully. They also look just as stylish with dark denim and a casual shirt. 


4. Black boots: Chelsea or zip up with an elegant rounded toe will never, ever be an unstylish choice.


5. Leather jacket: bomber or blazer – the choice is yours. Keep the styling minimal and the cut contemporary and buy the best quality leather you can afford – chocolate or black never look out of place.


6. White shirt: you need a perfect white shirt – or several that are exactly the same; well-tailored with a small cutaway collar in a beautiful Italian poplin is my choice.


The lack of fabric detail and absence of colour mean that the need for quality construction and beautiful cloth is highlighted here more than in any other shirt that you may own.


– Will Seal