Gaia Chinniah, founder of Soul33. Image supplied.
Relationships are the most asked about topic in the line of work that I am in. Many ask if they are with the right person, if they will meet someone and when they will meet someone. While everyone’s relationship soul blueprint is unique, spiritually there are many factors that come into play when looking at someone’s relationship history and future. The information that I derive for the relationship guidance is through my meditation practice, communication with my spirit guides and what I see happening with my clients during their one on one sessions. There are always themes that the Universe delivers for us to focus on, I am good at hearing and seeing what they are, and then providing you with the guidance that you need to continue to step into the life that is meant for you.
Whether you are single or in a relationship there are supporting Universal energies which encourage a certain focus around your relationships. Whether you are single, available or have a status of ‘it’s complicated’ there are some key focus points over the coming months for you to consider. When we work with the Universal energies, we can go with the flow rather than bringing about more resistance than necessary and the frustration, pain and anger that can accompany it.
Singles – what you need to know
Over the first few months of 2022, emotions may have been high in terms of uncertainty and it is time to regain some control over your emotions to direct them into something secure for you. This does not mean you need to suppress your emotions but instead know how to use and utilize them as power. This may mean to mature in your response to your relationship status and know that being in the position you are in has many advantages. What are those advantages? There are always positive aspects to being single, there are also challenging aspects of being single. What you need to know and be clear about is finding the balance of the emotions between being in a relationship and not. This knowledge will be important in terms of your hearts desires and the boundaries you set when you are in a relationship. You will know how to not lose yourself and also how to adapt and compromise when the right person comes in. If you are dating, have this knowledge in your back pocket for your own information.
What you need to do
Try not to push and force things to accelerate progress in any relationships that are being kindled or rekindled at this time. Instead see relationship opportunities as motivation to present your best and truest self. Therefore, knowing the advantages of being single and what you really want from a relationship will be important. Whatever you think, say or do that is truly what you want, ensure you follow through with it. It’s a time of acting and creating so the follow through is important.
Those who are single can be divided loosely into two categories. One category is those who want a partner can tend to be impatient and want someone now! However, trusting divine timing and seeking opportunity is the balance to be found here. The alignment and follow through! The other category of people who are single and want somebody but may perhaps consciously or unconsciously fearful of moving forward and putting themselves in situations where they could meet someone. You may be the one that wants someone but is fearful or sabotaging yourself and putting out that vibration. What you need to do over the next few months is not force or push anything but do not lose motivation – there is a balance to be found! Instead, you are being asked to change your course of what you have been doing and follow through with the ultimate desire to have a partner with trust! Ensure that you are not sabotaging this possibility by being impatient or presenting yourself as unavailable, when you really are and want to be.
What you need to heal
We have all done or said something we regret. With the current energy of following through, you are also redeeming times where you may have let yourself down by over compromising or under appreciating your contribution and value in relationships. There may have been betrayal or let down, even as simple as someone not sticking to what they would say they would do.
You’re being asked to heal any regret or any repercussions from your actions or the actions of another from the past in response to situations that have hurt you. You can do this by allowing yourself to feel all your emotions of what you think you may or could have done better at that time and rewrite it. You are using the information as power to redeem yourself where you think you’ve let yourself down or where you’ve been let down by a partner in the past. There’s also healing to be done around resentment towards yourself, towards others and towards relationships that you may have had. Ask yourself where you may feel resentment? Where you have been hurt and responded with anger or fear? Where have you responded to yourself with guilt?
Couples – what you need to know
If things didn’t turn out the way you expected ask yourself what your expectation was and whether it was the same as your partner. Don’t let outcomes hold you back. Check in with yourself first to see if you had an internal expectation that the outcome was not going to be delivered because of past disappointments. If you are in a relationship, what you need to know and be clear about is if your expectation matches your partner and if not, you may have to lower your expectation to avoid feeling self-pity and anger towards your partner.
What you need to do
Are you being the most authentic version of yourself? What you need to do if you are in a relationship is fill your own cup to overflow with trust and love. That ability to have your own back. This energy will project onto your partner rather than any lack or expectation that it is their duty to make you happy. Speak your truth but also to yourself and love yourself with actions that you would do to your partner.
What you need to heal
Support is a big part of your healing over the next couple of months. This could be in terms of financial support as this energy is coming up, but it also extends to feeling alone even if you are in a relationship. There may be a part of your relationship where you are needing to speak up to have more help mentally, physically, or emotionally. If you find yourself needing to feel a sense of being important in the eyes of your partner, ask yourself why you need the attention? Is it that you feel unimportant? Is that something you feel about yourself? You will find what you need to do to heal in the answer to that question.
Remember – Using the energetic cycles and seasons to set your goals, heal and manifest what you want in life is such a powerful tool to be able to navigate life daily without resistance.
The Beacon by Soul 33 is available for download on both Apple and Android devices. Search ‘Soul33’ in your App Store. There is a free version of the app with more limited features, and the paid version of the app costs just $50 per year, which gives users access to the full meditation library, healing exercises, the Soul Progression Oracle, her new personalised meditation service, and ongoing spiritual guidance.
You can now also listen to Gaia’s Monday Mantra on her Spotify channel:
Profile: Gaia is an internationally known healer, medium and spiritual coach. She founded Soul 33 a healing company and the modality of Soul Progression Therapy when she had an awakening at the age of 33. She channels messages from spirit guides, uses energy healing and is able to speak to your soul and see your past lives. She sees your soul blueprint. She reminds you who you are in a very practical way. Gaia has a Masters in Management Studies, is a Reiki Master and has a qualification from Omega Institute New York in Past Life Regression Therapy. She has a product distribution company in Asia to fulfil her business desires and she lives her life wanting to be the best that she can be. She has created a spiritual guidance app and is the founder of Spiritual Health Magazine to help others understand the journey. Each month Gaia will provide a monthly forecast of how you can use the energy to plan, manifest and heal your life. Spiritual guidance app search ‘Soul33’ on your app stores.