New Zealand Fashion Week returns for 2023


NZFW is set to return to the Viaducts Event Centre in Auckland

New Zealand Fashion Week (NZFW) is back on the calendar after a hotly-anticipated wait following postponements and cancellations due to the COVID pandemic.

With a change of ownership in the meantime, NZFW is set to return to the Viaduct Events Centre from 29 August to 2 September 2023.

The event is striving for greater collaboration with the fashion industry and mana whenua, aiming to empower, nurture, and celebrate local designers, an association that has been cemented with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and will honour Te Tiriti, te ao Māori, and tikanga Māori.

This is in line with NZFW’s new strategic direction, which will embrace and seek excellence in innovation while placing a continued focus on inclusivity that genuinely champions and celebrates the broad and inclusive demographic across Aotearoa.

In recent years, the event has explored digital technologies and connectivity, which will continue to be a focus, alongside embracing principles of sustainability and encouraging a circular fashion economy.

“We’ve had a beautiful opportunity to regroup, to work collaboratively with the industry to redesign and reimagine this iconic event,” says NZFW general manager Yasmin Farry.

“It’s been three long years since our designers, models, makeup artists, stylists, and photographers have had the opportunity to showcase their talents to the world, so we are very excited that New Zealand Fashion Week is back on the agenda for 2023.”

Designers and models last took to the runway for NZFW in 2019 and among the COVID disruptions included magnificent plans to celebrate the event’s 20th anniversary.

NZFW has enjoyed a storied history, first launched by Dame Pieter Stewart in 2001 at Auckland Town Hall, with leading labels Zambesi, Trelise Cooper, and Kate Sylvester among the brands debuting their collections.

This year will see designer Kate Sylvester celebrate 30 years of her elegant eponymous brand at New Zealand Fashion Week.

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