New Zealand Fashion Week Designer Announcement 2012

Zambesi NZFW 2011
Image: The A List


FashioNZ is excited to bring you the NZFW 2012 Designer List.*  We’re rapt to see Company of Strangers on the list for the first time and the return of Cybele for her eighth NZFW show.


Andrea Moore NZFW 2011
Image: Michael Ng/NZFW


It's great to see Deryn Schmidt progressing through the ‘ranks’ to do her first solo show, and gorgeous swimwear Surface Too Deep making its NZFW debut as part of the Miromoda show.  Ingrid Starnes is back after last year’s NZFW debut – and hooray! to see cult faves like Juliette Hogan, Ruby and Liam, Twenty-Seven Name, Huffer and Stolen Girlfriends firmly on the list, alongside stalwarts like Hailwood, Trelise Cooper, and Zambesi.  Long live New Zealand Fashion, and long live New Zealand Fashion Week!


Deryn Schmidt – New Generation NZFW 2011
Image: Michael Ng/NZFW



•    A La Robe / Auckland (New Zealand Weddings Magazine show)
•    Alma J / Auckland (New Zealand Weddings Magazine show)
•    Andrea Moore / Wellington
•    Anna Schimmel / Auckland (New Zealand Weddings Magazine show)
•    Annah Stretton / Morrinsville
•    Arielle Mermin / Tauranga (New Generation)
•    Brady / Auckland
•    Charlie Brown / Australia
•    Christopher Woods-Huia / Auckland (Miromoda)
•    Company of Strangers / Dunedin
•    Crane Brothers / Auckland (New Zealand Weddings Magazine show)
•    Cybele / Auckland
•    Daniel K / Auckland (New Generation)
•    Deryn Schmidt / Wellington
•    Dmonic Intent / Auckland  (Miromoda/New Generation)
    Hailwood / Auckland
•    Hohepa Thompson / Wellington (Miromoda)
•    Huffer / Auckland
•    Ingrid Starnes / Auckland
•    John Zimmermann / Auckland ((New Zealand Weddings Magazine show)
•    Juliette Hogan / Auckland
•    Koia Gray / Wellington (Miromoda)
•    Liam / Auckland
•    Marsh Ranginui / Whanganui (Miromoda)
•    Michelle Yvette / Auckland (New Zealand Weddings Magazine show)
•    Monique Lynch / Auckland (Miromoda)
•    Olivia Edington / Wainuiomata (Miromoda)
•    Pia Boutique / Auckland (Miromoda)
•    Poto Morgan / Ngaruawahia (Miromoda)
•    Ruby / Auckland
•    Sable and Minx / Auckland
•    Sera Lilly / Auckland (New Zealand Weddings Magazine show)
•    Shona Tawhiao / Auckland (Miromoda)
•    Silence Was… / Auckland (New Generation)
•    Stolen Girlfriends Club / Auckland
•    Surface Too Deep / Wellington (Miromoda)
•    Trelise Cooper / Auckland
•    Twenty-Seven Names / Wellington
•    Vinka Design / Auckland (New Zealand Weddings Magazine show)
•    Zambesi / Auckland

 *List is at 4pm, Friday 20 July 2012 and is subject to amendment.