New treatment: Juvenate Blurred Lines Facial

Juvenate Blurred Lines Facial

Juvenate’s new Blurred Lines Facial Treatment is
designed to help soften lines, wrinkles, and imperfections

With increasing calls on time and energy in our busy lives, sometimes we look for multi-purpose solutions.

Research shows that the most common concerns associated with ageing skin are discolouration, lines, and wrinkles and lack of ‘fit and sit’ or sagginess. Primary concerns for a younger person include acne and scarring.

Your Juvenate Regenerative Therapist may have just the solution required. When addressing these concerns, your skin therapist wants to not only alleviate symptoms but also look to address root causes to assist with younger acting, healthy functioning skin that can be relied on not to ‘break out’ at the most inappropriate times (hello stress, we know what you do to the skin) and present with an enviable glow.

Juvenate’s new Blurred Lines Facial (offered only through Juvenate Regenerative Clinics) is Juvenate’s latest skin treatment offering a holistic way to blur deep-set lines, wrinkles, lesions, and imperfections while you lie back and enjoy a relaxing treatment.

The secret to the treatment lies in using Juvenate UpLift Eye and Lip Serum, using the high-potency active anti-ageing ingredients to their full potential.

With cosmedical grade and dose of ingredients for the skin, the infusion of all ingredients is enhanced with the application of a specifically designed massaging treatment head. This encourages not only penetration of active ingredients but also increases microcirculation, which amplifies nutritional uptake in skin and assists with removal of toxins.

While using the massaging applicator on your specific areas of concern, your Juvenate Regenerative Therapist will work to smooth and lift with a combination of massage techniques to get the best results.

Finishing off with warm compressions and topped off with a cocktail of Juvente serums, moisturisers and the Phyto Protect Mist to give skin max hydration.

Juvenate ingredients are proven in clinical studies to instantly smooth skin texture, helping to reduce the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles with long-lasting effects, while re-establishing healthy cell communication, balancing skin oils, and creating a healthier functional skin.

These components make it the ideal product to blur lines, wrinkles, and imperfections and also tackle pigmentation and acne/scarring.

The benefits of healthy, functional skin includes:

  • Balance Hydrolipidic film
  • Support Microbiome
  • Modulate Enzyme Activity
  • Densify Extra Cellular Matrix
  • Regulate pH
  • Optimise Cell Metabolism
  • Enhance Skin Immune function

Want to try a Blurred Lines Facial for yourself? Juvenate is currently running a giveaway on Facebook and Instagram, or find your closest Juvenate stockist to book your Blurred Lines Facial.

Image supplied. Sponsored content.