Nation of Goklanders

In what world does a gay man command more female attention than a straight one? Gokland, of course!

There was magic in the air at Westfield St Lukes last Thursday – not from sales or late night shopping – but from frenzied women hoping to catch a glimpse of the one and only, Gok Wan.




At 7 minutes to 6pm, the star of the evening began his descent down the escalator with his entourage, proving the fashionable aren’t always late.

Wands sparkled and waved, but the Fairy Gokmother himself was without glitter or shine, dressed in nondescript black  – not quite the colour advocate he sells himself to be.

He kicked off the show apologising for blatant homosexuality and swearing then proceeded to hit on an impressionable 20-year-old boy, giving a full-on snog to the winner of the Westfield makeover competition, Kerrie, who later strutted her stuff in a double-breasted houndstooth top and black pencil skirt with bright orange heels and skinny belt to match.



Filling makeover down time with body shape calculators (a new-fangled online service by Westfield),  Gok generously dished out style services and free glasses from Specsavers to those who were brave enough to ask. 
The transformation of the chosen ones were revealed at the end, with an exceptionally curvy Venezuelan looking absolutely scrumptious in a dark grey, peplum fitted dress.
A young mum dressed in jeans and sweater later emerged in a sheer white ruffled blouse with pearls strung around her neck, a dark grey tulip mini skirt hugging her tiny waist, and pretty nude heels on her feet.

And a European tourist was an ode to French chic, complete with nautical navy blue and schoolgirl skirt. The look was further enhanced by the most darling knee high stockings that were the epitome of cute but sexy.

There was a strong 1940s theme running throughout the makeovers – collared dresses, fitted skirts and peplums which were very much the highlight of the polished post-war era.

Jaw muscles ached and voices were hoarse by the end of the memorable, one-hour show. Gok bids farewell to Kiwiland tomorrow, but until his return, his loyal fans will patiently wait, with fairy dust and wishes intact.


-Natalie Tan