Murray Bevan from Showroom 22 on the hierarchy of NZFW

Murray Bevan Showroom 22

Murray Bevan, director of PR agency Showroom 22. Image by Katherine Lowe.

Murray Bevan established PR agency Showroom 22 in 2002 after learning the ropes of the fashion industry working for Karen Walker. Today, Showroom 22 is New Zealand’s premier fashion PR company with clients such as Kathryn Wilson, Karen Walker, Harman Grubiša and Kowtow among other leading brands. Bevan also has the role of host at New Zealand Fashion Week, ensuring that seating the guests goes smoothly and everyone is where they should be for each show. It’s a big job and he tells Radio New Zealand’s Sonia Sly from the My Heels Are Killing Me podcast about the hierarchy of fashion shows, the inevitable dramas that come along with such a high profile event and why efficiency is one of the keys to his success.

Check out the podcast below:


Finale at Kathryn Wilson’s NZFW 2017 show. Image by Katherine Tuenter from The Undefined Photography.

My Heels Are Killing Me

Sonia Sly goes behind the scenes of the fashion industry to find out what exists beyond its glamorous façade.