The new moisturiser you can’t actually buy

We love it. Their accountants don’t.

We’re in the age of exclusivity. Gatekeeping our signature scents, mingling at members-only clubs, and don’t get us started on monogramming – is it even your phone case, diary, canvas tote etc. if it isn’t embossed with your initials in a metallic serif font? 

Basically, we love the idea of things money can’t buy, and one Kiwi skincare brand has cleverly latched onto this curious little human behaviour in the name of charity. 

Some background: Two Dudes was launched in 2020 to innovate the men’s grooming category with premium skincare products made with natural ingredients. Not just interested in giving guys a glow-up, founders Tomas Tappin and Michael McRae have always been motivated to make a difference. From day one, 10% of their sales have been donated to charities that support men’s health, including Fix Up Look Sharp, Men’s Health Trust New Zealand, and the New Zealand Nurses Organisation.

It’s no surprise then, that the pair has produced a limited-edition moisturise – or rather, Mo-isturiser – for Movember.

What is surprising is that you can’t technically buy it. 

No, this is not a six month waitlist situation, nor will any amount of don’t-you-now-who I am score you a pottle. Your only option (and it’s a total no-brainer) is joining the Two Dudes Movember team and raising $50 or more. Then, a jar of Mo-isturiser will arrive at your door– perfect for keeping a moustache in check for the month.

“It’s probably going to raise the eyebrows of our accountants, but it’s in the best interests of men’s health,” says co-founder Tomas Tappin, who adds that all revenue generated by the Mo-isturiser will be going directly to Movember.

Infused with coffee seed and ginseng root extracts along with good vibes, the Mo-isturiser isn’t just a fantastic marketing initiative to drive Movember sign-ups and donations. It’s been formulated with a bounty of nature’s best to promote healthy, hydrated and supple skin. 

Whether you’re a man in the market for a new moisturiser, or you live with one who is being a little too cavalier with yours, check out the More than Two Dudes Movember team and make your skincare purchase count.