Michelle Yvette's – Secret Girls Society, Boys Allowed


And by runway we mean bar stand, which the designer – not one afraid to stray from tradition – chose as the catwalk for her models to precariously balance on while showing off her latest spring-summer styles.


Despite the schools of fish present on the night, there was nothing fishy about the show itself: big hair, accessories galore and the schoolgirl white socks gave the models a rebel “Prom Queen” spirit that their bar stand antics only confirmed. 1980’s California Valley Girl meets 2011 Kiwi school-ball-chic is one way to describe the overriding theme of the clothing.

The huge hair and over-the-top makeup complimented the retro-tinge dresses to make for a very sexy equivalent of a graduation ceremony after-party.



No jeans or sneakers allowed at this High Society get-together! Though, sporty socks are acceptable as long as they are paired with classy, crème-coloured heels and some sort of flower accessory of a pastel shade.




Cointreau provided an additional touch of class to the drinks menu that the members of the Secret Girls Society, and the lucky boys that were invited along, actively imbibed while enjoying the divine flavours of Kapiti’s “Designer ice cream”, which was inspired by none other than Michelle herself.


In the background, the Clinique makeup artists made sure that the models looked as glamorous as you would expect them to on their “big day”.



One thing is definite – Michelle Yvette has managed to put on a spectacle that both the aquatic and shore-going inhabitants of this “Bungalow” will remember for a while to come!

