Making Bracelets


There is nothing that we at FashioNZ love more than the chance to get a little creative and do a bit of mixing and matching so we were pretty  excited when Agatha Paris invited us to create our very own AGAT’YOU bracelet.


The concept of the AGAT’YOU collection is to create a personalised bracelet using a huge variety of single and double wrap bracelets. Coming in a range of materials, such as silicone, matt and patent and irridescent leather in a various shades of fluorescent, pastel, black, white, silver, gold and copper, an oval buckle means it is possible to keep charms – you could even make a belt if you wanted to.

If we thought deciding on a  bracelet was tough, choosing our charms proved just as difficult. There were so many from which to choose. They ranged from cute and quirky to elegant sparkles. Towards the end we decided they actually all looked great which made our final choice a whole lot easier.

Finally, with our chosen four charms we could start creating. Sliding the charms securely onto the bracelets so they sat firm and flat against the wrist, this proved to be an easy and comfortable piece of jewellery to wear. And what was really cool is that while our bracelet making has now come to an end, with infinite charms and options available to add, it’s really only the beginning.