Kmart helps everyone to have a Merry Christmas!

Kmart Staff and the Salvation Army


‘Tis the season after all, so take the lead and do your bit to ensure every Kiwi’s Christmas Day is a happy one.


The Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal is now in its 20th year and this year aims to collect 45,000 gifts distributed by the Salvation Army to families that might otherwise go without. 


Shoppers need only purchase a gift of their choice which can be from any retailer, not just Kmart stores. Then collect a tag from any Kmart store and place it under the tree, then let the feel-good factor sink in. 


From here New Zealand’s real elves, The Salvation Army, collect the presents and distribute them to those that need it most in our communities.


This year’s Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal will be collecting gifts in stores around the country until 24 December and Cash donations are also welcome.


Visit to learn more about Kmart’s commitment to giving back to the community.