In-flight beauty – how to take care of your skin during travel

Biologi In-flight beauty

Lucy Kuper, Biologi’s Dermal Specialist. Image supplied.

Now that Winter is here if you’re lucky enough to be able to, it might just be time to pack your bags and jet off to a warmer climate for a mid-winter holiday! There are many things to think about while preparing for travel, but what a lot of people don’t have top on their lists is a good in-flight skincare routine. Believe it or not, travelling in the air can have a very unhealthy effect on your skin and the last thing you want is to arrive at your holiday destination with dry, red, flaky skin and a bad breakout! So, we got the chance to chat to Biologi’s Dermal Specialist – Lucy Kuper to find out how in-flight travel affects your skin and what you can do to keep your skin looking its best while travelling.

How important is in-flight skincare?
Incredibly important! In fact, many people don’t realise the intense effect that flying can have on the skin. From dehydration and dullness, through to sun damage, a plane cabin can be very detrimental to our skin!

What kind of toll does travelling on a plane take on your skin and why?
The biggest challenge your skin faces on long haul flights is dehydration due to the dry cabin air. For most people, your skin is comfortable when the humidity is between 40 and 70 percent, however, most aeroplane cabins can get to lows of 10 percent humidity which can result in dry, red and flaky skin. This dehydration can then also make your skin overcompensate for loss of moisture and stimulate more oil production which can make your skin look greasy! Then combine that with the higher altitude which limits blood flow to the skin and makes your complexion look dull. You also need to factor in any stress you might be feeling towards travel which can also have an effect on the skin!

What kind of skincare routine should I be using while travelling on a plane?
First and foremost, try to wear minimal makeup which can allow your skin to breathe. Throughout the flight be sure to apply a hydrating serum regularly like Biologi’s Bf Hydrating Body Serum which can be used all over (on your body, hands, face, lips and even on the ends of your hair)! Biologi’s Bf Serum helps the skin retain moisture, suppleness and elasticity. Not only hydrating, but the serum also helps to decrease spots, blemishes, redness, sun damage, cellulite, dryness, bumps and flaking. Also, think about your skin from the inside out – Double up on your water consumption to hydrate from the inside, and nourish your body with healthy foods. What we eat will likely show on our skin at some point, so try to avoid lots of sugar or greasy foods.

Biologi In-flight beauty

Plant serums from Biologi.

What products would you recommend to use?
Look for a high percent of active ingredients so you know you’re not just applying a whole heap of useless filler ingredients that don’t actually work! Active-ingredient serums will have a profound effect on the skin, changing it on a cellular level and delivering the nutrients your skin needs. Look for those powerhouse products that contain vitamins and antioxidants which give your skin a natural glow and provide a protective barrier against signs of early ageing and blemishes. We love Biologi’s Bd Serum for the face and Bf Serum for the body. Biologi’s Bd Serum is a water-based pure extract of 100% Active Davidson Plum. This highly concentrated serum is packed with vitamins and antioxidants that will leave your skin absolutely glowing, refreshed, hydrated and luminous. The Bf Serum is made from 100% Active Finger Lime, so what your skin gets is a unique blend of fruit acids and Vitamin C that deeply hydrates your skin, leaving it soft and supple. This serum is the ultimate multi-tasker because it can also be used on the face, hair and lips for ultimate hydration all over. Biologi’s serums are now available in handy travel sizes of 5ml – perfect for carry-on luggage! Also, bring and wear sunscreen on a flight!

To keep my skin looking its best, what should I be avoiding while travelling on a plane?
There are a few things you can avoid whilst travelling – the first culprit being coffee. We all know coffee can sometimes be a godsend for long haul flights but unfortunately, it can further dehydrate your skin. The same goes for alcohol! Whilst it might be tempting to celebrate your departure for a holiday with a few champagnes, it might mean you start your holiday looking and feeling dehydrated and perpetually tired. As mentioned, also try to avoid wearing makeup on flights – it means your skin can get the chance to breathe and you’ll avoid clogging up your pores which can result in breakouts leaving your skin looking tired and dull.

Anything else to add?
Many people don’t realise that aeroplane windshields do not completely block UVA radiation and a plane soars to a cruising altitude, it flies closer to the ozone layer (by about 20,000 feet). This means the sun’s rays are even more damaging than if you were on the ground, and you’re at higher risk of sun exposure. Alarmingly, a 2014 study done by the University of California found that 56 minutes in the cockpit of a plane was equal to the same amount of radiation as 20 minutes on a tanning bed. Scary!

To find out more about Biologi’s products or to purchase any of their convenient travel sized goodies for your next holiday you can find everything you need here.

Images supplied.