Icebreaker launches thought-provoking plastic awareness campaign

Icebreaker Plastic Man

The Plastic Man from icebreaker’s Uncomfortable Truth of Plastic campaign. Image supplied.

In a thought-provoking new campaign natural performance apparel company, icebreaker, asks consumers one simple question: “Are you still wearing plastic?” The Uncomfortable Truth of Plastic campaign is designed to shine a light on this conversation and help educate people about plastics in our clothing and how we can make choices to reduce our plastic consumption which is better for us and the planet.

As it turns out most people are not even aware that the clothing that we wear is one of the biggest contributors to plastic pollution. The Plastic Man in the campaign represents the fact that many consumers are still wearing plastic each day while driving awareness of one of the biggest causes of plastic pollution on the planet – the clothing we wear. The campaign sees the Plastic Man struggling with the user experience of plastic. It’s cold when wet, doesn’t regulate temperature, holds odor and when it comes to the environment, it can have a negative impact.

“Since icebreaker started 26 years ago, we have always looked to nature for a better way. Our founding purpose to inspire a more natural way of living, defines not just what we make, but how we make it. There is just too much unnecessary plastics in clothing. We encourage consumers to learn more about what their clothing is made of,” says Global Brand President, Jan Van Mossevelde.

Since launching in 1995, icebreaker has sought to provide natural performance alternatives to synthetic-based apparel to create a healthier and more sustainable future for people and the planet. Earlier this year, icebreaker’s Transparency Report revealed that in 2021, 91% of icebreaker’s total fibre composition is now merino or plant-based, with 65% more styles being made with 100% merino or plant-based fibres.

While icebreaker continues to innovate in this space the brand also wants to help educate consumers about unnecessary plastic consumption. The full Uncomfortable Truth of Plastic campaign can be viewed online at where you can also learn how you can reduce plastic in your wardrobe.

Icebreaker Plastic Man

Icebreaker Plastic Man

Images supplied.