
How to wear a Kimono

Wearing a kimono is a beautiful way to add colour and style to your outfit with many local brands offering their own take on this elegant garment. Now when we say kimono we don’t mean the full traditional Japanese robes that are incredibly detailed and tied with an obi. We’re talking about the contemporary version which has a flowing style and can be easily layered for a casual or more formal look.

The Japanese word for kimono translates to ‘garment’ or ‘something to wear’ and they are designed to fit loosely on the body with flowing sleeves and a classic t-shape. Kimonos are a garment that can be worn by any size or shape and the popularity of them means there are lots of different options out there to choose from.


Augustine Harley Kimono Long $179 (left) and 17 Sundays Leopard Print Kimono $139.99 AUD (right).

Keep it casual
Team your kimono with a classic t-shirt and shorts like this playful Augustine look on the left for a casual effect. Fun fact: Augustine designer Kelly Coe loves kimonos so much that the brand drops new kimono styles every Monday, with lots of vibrant, colourful styles to brighten up your wardrobe. Or go for a clean, chic look with an all white top and trousers paired with an animal print kimono like this eye-catching 17 Sundays look on the right that is still casual but is easily dressed up or down.

Ezibuy Next Burnout Kimono $106 (left) and Max Kelly Floral Kimono $119.99 (right).

Dress it up
There are some gorgeous kimonos around in luscious fabrics like silk and velvet which make for beautiful evening or occasion looks. Opt for a stunning velvet burnout kimono like this Ezibuy one on the left for an elegant outfit that is oh so easy to pair with your favourite tailored trousers or LBD. Likewise this pretty floral Max kimono on the right lifts this ruffled top and shorts combo for a feminine look that could even be worn to work depending on your place of work that is.


Miss Lilly for Shine On Pink Floral Kimocape $95 (left) and Augustine Madison Kimono Short $159 (right).

Work it with Denim
Kimonos are a great partner for denim, whether you prefer your favourite jeans or a cute pair of denim shorts. We love this charming Miss Lilly for Shine On kimono on the left which is perfect for summer. Augustine’s shorter length kimonos like this bright Madison one on the right are amazing with denim shorts or a denim mini skirt. You’ll be floating around the shops or to pick the kids up in an outfit like this. If you’re going for a detailed print it’s best to keep it simple with a plain top or t-shirt underneath so your kimono is the feature of your outfit.


Neon Gypsy Oasis Short Kimono in Pearl $249 (left) and Piha Swimwear Bloom Tassel Kimono $89.99 from North Beach (right).

Head to the beach or pool
It’s easy to throw a kimono over your swimsuit to cover up or get a little more sun protection at the beach or pool. We love the boho feel of Neon Gypsy’s short kimono on the left that perfectly complements the bikini underneath. You could also go more matchy like this Piha Swimwear kimono on the right that matches the gingham swimsuit beneath it. The boxy shape and cotton fabric help give your skin a bit more shade in the hottest part of the day. If you’re choosing a kimono for the beach definitely go for cotton or an easy to wash synthetic fabric, silk or velvet is much more likely to get damaged by the sand and water. Choose well and your kimono will keep you looking stylish all summer long.

Images supplied.