How to turn your home plastic-free

Turn your home plastic free

It’s Plastic Free July and we have some ideas to make your home plastic-free. Image by Adobe Stock.

Did you know in New Zealand 252,000 tonnes of plastic ends up in our landfills and over 8 percent of waste in our waterways in plastic? Those are horrifying figures. And it’s not just here in New Zealand where the problem lays, it’s all around the world. Our planet is slowly suffocating from plastic pollution and it needs to end now.

Plastic Free July is about bringing awareness to the world’s plastic pollution problem and educating on how we can make changes in our day to day lives by replacing everyday items with biodegradable or plastic-free options.

So we have put together a list of small changes you can make to turn your home plastic-free and do your part to keep the world spinning, one biodegradable product at a time.

Give up bottled water
Plastic bottles are not just bad for the environment but they are also bad for your health. Plastic bottles leach BPA into your water, which in turn, has a negative impact on your health. Replace your plastic bottle with a reusable bottle. There are so many cool designs to choose from, so there is nothing stopping you from making the switch.

Choose a keep cup
Every coffee cup comes with a plastic lid as if you’re like me and you drink a coffee per day, that’s seven plastic lids that end up in the landfill or our waterways. Choose a keep cup and save the planet.

Replace your toothbrush with an eco brush
Swap out your plastic toothbrush with an eco brush. You can get replacements at the supermarket such as brushes made from bamboo or corn starch. You can find some options here.

Opt for a menstrual cup
Let these stats smack you in the face – it’s estimated that over the course of a menstrual lifetime around 9300 sanitary products per person will end up in the landfill. It’s also said that it takes roughly 450 years for said sanitary products to decompose. Switch to the menstrual cups, people. This one is a no-brainer.

Buy reusable cloth nappies
Nappies are similar to sanitary products, in that they take roughly 450 years to decompose. Luckily, there are so many cute kiwi brands we can not only support, but also do our part to save the environment. The cost might be higher to begin with, but imagine how much money you will save on disposable nappies.

Buy naked bath products
Stop buying plastic packed bath products such as shampoo, conditioner and body wash and replace them with naked, package-free products from brands such as Lush and Ethique.

Replace clingwrap with beeswax wraps
There are plenty of cute beeswax wraps available for purchase online and in your local market. You can even try your hand at making your own. Flag the plastic cling wrap and wrap your sammies in a beeswax wrap instead.

Shop at your local farmers market
Shopping at your local farmers market means you can pick up organic, fresh and cheap produce without the unnecessary plastic packaging.