Pieces from Holly Howe’s new Echo Echo collection.
Holly Howe‘s latest jewellery collection Echo Echo has been strongly influenced by the designer’s love of geometric forms, facet details and her love for architecture. “I haven’t strayed too far from those main inspirations going from collection to collection,” says Holly Howe. “There are two sides to Echo Echo, a detailed, almost delicate, sharp side and then a simple, clean, faceted side. I wanted to create pieces that were “pretty” but not “girlie”. The Stardrop Hoops and Necklace for example, there is something quite delicate and feminine about the pieces, but close up there is a raw, sharp finish.”
This collection features Howe’s staple Black Onyx alongside a rich brown Smokey Quartz, Garnet, Rutilated and Tourmalinated Quartz. She wanted a colour palette that would sit beautifully against the silver and soon to be gold pieces, without being too bright and colourful. It’s this subtlety that gives her pieces their versatility and longevity. The sublime campaign imagery for this collection perfectly captures the modern beauty of the jewellery and they look just as good layered as they do on their own. The only hard part is which stunning piece to choose first?
Images supplied.