Hair trend: the new straight

Yes I know, for the last four years you have been getting the irons out daily and straightening your hair within an inch of its life. You get your mane so straight that the ends are sharp and there is not a kink in sight. Sometimes you may even repeat the process two or three times depending on your daily activities and the climate.

The good news is that there is a new trend in town – it’s time to say goodbye to ‘dead straight’, and hello to ‘naturally straight’, fashion-forward locks.

Over the last two seasons, hair on the catwalk has become more and more natural looking – fabulous news for us as the more organic the look is, the less styling time required (so long as you know how to achieve the look correctly)

The ‘new straight’ hair, is still essentially straight – however it has taken on softer, bouncier element.
Subtle kinks and ever-so-subtle waves, (whether they are natural, or created using styling tools) give the hair that “I don’t give a s**t what my hair look like, but it looks damm good anyway” vibe.

Check out the 'new straight' backstage at the Fall '09 collections worldwide:

Get the look

If you have naturally straight hair, then blowdry as normal. If you have naturally curly hair then blowdry straight before you get in there with the irons. If you have naturally wavy hair, then you are very lucky and all your hair will need is a very light straighten.

(If your hair is generally straight you may be able to achieve this look by just leaving your hair to dry naturally)

Wash hair and add a volumising product, such as L’Oreal Volume Expand spray, to your damp hair before you blow dry it.

Once dry, run your straighteners through the hair, but rather than tugging them straight down to the very ends, run them through the hair and when you get half way down the length of hair, turn the irons on an angle to give the hair some curve ( but not so much that you get a curl)

Do this all over, making sure you turn the irons to a different angle each time, and then finish with a serum to smooth down fluffies, and a light hair spray.

The key to making this style look polished is having shiny, healthy hair – so make sure you get a cut if you have not had one in a while and use a nourishing masque once or twice a week.