Guy of style: Josh Jang

Josh Jang is the owner and designer of ISIBM which stands for I Still Believe In Miracles. Josh decided to make his own T-shirts and came up with his first summer collection using contemporary art works for every single print for men’s and women’s ranges. FashioNZ finds out about his personal style, biggest fashion mistake and his goals for the future.

Tell us about your style – what is your ‘look’?
My look, ISBIM is all about fine tailoring with right size and right fabric. Fine ends of the garment gives us the direction of my look.

What is your current favourite item of clothing?
Scarf. It completes me.

Who is your favourite New Zealand designer?

How did the name I Still Believe In Miracles come about?
I took a photo while on travels in Paris of a large billboard a long time ago. “I Still Believe In Miracles” was printed on that particular billboard. I took the first letter of each of these words and came up with ISBIM. I had hundreds of options at that time for brand names but the choice was very obvious.

What has been your biggest fashion mistake?
I produced an entire collection (I mean big numbers!) without getting any orders. At that stage I believed in it too much which put me in a financial crisis. However, I ended up selling everything on a successful note.

What are your inspirations?
Most definitely music and films.

Boxers or briefs?

What are your goals for the future?
I’’d like to see a kid wearing a ISBIM t-shirt in Somalia, Africa.

You would rather eat your own shirt than wear…?
A thick pair of white basketball socks with black enamel dress shoes.