Gal of style: Hollie Smith


Clients who purchase one of the Home Care Cures ($80 to $98) consisting of two Kérastase products will receive a copy of Hollie Smith’s latest album, Humour and the Misfortune of Others, where $5 from the transaction is donated to the Trust.

The same donation is made for those who experience a decadent in-salon Ritual Cure (RRP$60) consisting of a ritual treatment, massage and blow-dry.

Feeling beautiful inside and out has never been so simple. Available at Rodney Wayne & Shampoo N’ Things salons from April while stocks last.

Describe your personal style.
Do I have one?!  I would say I don’t often stray far from smart-casual… plain clothes but tidy.
Where do you shop?
I don’t shop much, I’m lucky as I get a lot of gifted clothing.  That and I steal a lot from friends… but I do like Blackbox boutique in Auckland if I do have to invest.

Who is your favourite New Zealand/Australian designer?
From NZ I like Lela Jacobs, Huffer and Lonely Hearts and Zambesi.  Then from the Australians I enjoy Claude Maus, One Teaspoon and Somethingelse.

What is your current favourite item of clothing?
I purchased a ‘One Teaspoon’ leather jacket with studded detail recently which makes me look far cooler than I am.  It’s awesome.

What is your best buy for Autumn?
I havent found it yet, I’m in denial that summer is ending…

What is your favourite fashion purchase/garment/outfit of all time?
My boots, i got them in NYC just under two years ago and haven’t taken them off since.   I just had to resole them and they are not quite the same but I just can’t let go.

What has been your biggest fashion mistake?
Haha, there has been plenty I assure you, probably the blue lensed glasses or the PVC pants. Both I wore to a ball one year. Those photos are under lock and key.

If you were invited to attend the Academy Awards, who would you ask to design a dress for you?
If he was still with us, Alexander McQueen.  But I guess I would have to say Zambesi, to encapsulate something elegant but always with point of difference.

You would rather eat your own shirt than wear…
A white rave outfit, accesorised with a glowstick.