Gaia Chinniah: Soul33 Winter Relationships Forecast

Gaia Chinniah

Gaia Chinniah

Relationships are the most asked-about topic in the line of work that I am in. Many question whether they are with the right person, whether they will meet someone, or when they will meet someone.

While everyone’s relationship soul blueprint is unique, spiritually there are many factors that come into play when looking at someone’s relationship history and future. The information that I derive for relationship guidance is through my meditation practice, communication with my spirit guides and what I see happening with my clients during their one-on-one sessions. There are always themes that the Universe delivers for us to focus on: I am good at hearing and seeing what they are.

Whether you are single, in a relationship, or somewhere on the scale in between, there are supporting Universal energies that encourage a certain focus around your relationships over the coming months.

When we work with Universal energies, we can go with the flow rather than bringing about more resistance than necessary.

Singles: what you need to know

Over the winter period, it’s usually a bit more challenging to feel physically motivated to go out and meet people, but energetically, it extends to a time of coming together in relationships.

If you are single at the moment, you are being asked to question yourself to see what self-imposed boundaries you may have set that need to be acknowledged in order to turn your desire into a reality.

Spiritually, energetically, and physically, there can be barriers to what is preventing you from receiving love in your life the way you want it. What you need to know over the winter period is where your mind may have been placing barriers in the energy you are emanating around meeting a potential mate. There is an expectation around the reasons you are single, which needs some awareness, self-imposed boundaries lifted and resilience from previous experiences in dating or relationships. There is a lot of fire energy to support your pursuit in love this winter.

Here are some questions to answer for yourself in terms of what you need to know

  1. How much of your desire to be with someone is about having the status of being in a relationship?
  2. Why do you think you are single? What excuses could you have made that are an obstacle in meeting someone new?
  3. Are your expectations of another realistic or are they limiting the pool of people where you could meet someone?

What you need to do

This winter you want to challenge your expectations. People can surprise you and love can be found in places you never thought you would meet someone. Not everyone shows all their cards right away so lower your expectations. Maybe don’t have any of the usual ones and date someone you may not have considered before. You may be pleasantly surprised.

The overall energy of what you need to do for your love life is to lower your expectations and be curious about options you may not have previously considered.

What you need to heal

The emotional side of bringing in romance is asking to be healed. Because of the expectations and boundaries we are shining the light on, you are being asked to heal the parts of you that truly want to be comforted, supported and loved. Cultivate the energy of bringing in your natural charm. We all have something that is a positive characteristic and you can help heal yourself by showing people how beautiful you are inside and out.

Couples: what you need to know

There may be some underlying conflict or tension that you need to put your finger on. Something may be glaringly obvious or it may not be.

Here are some questions to ask yourself

  1. Are things not as close as you want them to be with your partner?
  2. What underlying tensions are there that you might not be addressing?
  3. Is the tension just on your part or is your partner aware of them too?

This winter you are being asked to become aware of and be clear on what conflicts or tensions are in your relationship so they can be addressed and released so you can progress forward.

What you need to do

There is fast-paced change happening at this time. You might want to travel with your partner or take action so you can get yourselves on the same page. Once you have acknowledged and cleared any conflicts or underlying tension your relationship has the potential of really aligning and moving forward. Plan something together.

What you need to heal

There is a real opportunity this winter to create harmony and alignment and what needs healing is your ability to both give and receive. This is not as easy as it sounds, as to have a harmonious relationship this needs to be a balanced equation, to ensure that your cup is full before you pour into someone else’s.

Gaia is an internationally known healer, medium and spiritual coach. She founded Soul 33 a healing company and the modality of Soul Progression Therapy ® when she had an awakening at the age of 33. She channels messages from spirit guides, uses energy healing, and is able to speak to your soul and see your past lives. She sees your soul blueprint. She reminds you who you are in a very practical way. Gaia has a Masters in Management Studies, is a Reiki Master, and has a qualification from Omega Institute New York in Past Life Regression Therapy. She has a product distribution company in Asia to fulfil her business desires and she lives her life wanting to be the best that she can be. She has created a spiritual guidance app and is the founder of Spiritual Health Magazine to help others understand the journey. Each month Gaia will provide a monthly forecast of how you can use the energy to plan, manifest and heal your life. Spiritual guidance app search ‘Soul33’ on your app stores.

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Image by Rachel Lochhead Photographer