
Gaia Chinniah on what to expect from June’s Strawberry Supermoon

Strawberry Supermoon

Gaia Chinniah shares her thoughts on this month’s Strawberry Supermoon on 14th June.

On Tuesday 14th June we have a Strawberry Supermoon gracing our skies. Named by Native American tribes who compared the moon to the season that strawberries ripen in the Northern Hemisphere and are ready to be harvested for consumption. Here, for us in the Southern Hemisphere going into winter however, the effects of this full moon will be the same for spiritually inclined individuals.

A supermoon often happens three to four times per year but in 2022 this is one of only two supermoons, one this month and one next (the Super Buck full moon falls on July 14). Those of us following the rhythms of the moon cycles can be very sensitive to how they affect us. A larger and brighter full moon with amplified power to assist us on our inner human journeys.

Going into winter here, we will be cosying up and wanting to feel safe, warm and secure within our lives.

Strawberry Supermoon

A Strawberry Supermoon. Image via Pinterest.

Falling on the 14th, this number itself represents positivity and optimism but something that is really important to consider this full supermoon is that we are releasing karmic accumulation of relationships, experiences and lessons that do not serve us anymore. What would this be for you? As humans we naturally get in the way of joy by feeling resentment and frustration that things are not moving fast enough for us, it’s time to feel into those areas and release them. Generally, in winter it can be a time for many to do what needs to be done and then rest (much like animals that hibernate) but many will also be feeling like they are preparing for the birth of something new. A type of nesting and growing roots feeling is evident, for those of you wanting to have babies it would be a good time to try as any ‘conception’ now is a perfect time for it to take roots.

With the extra supermoon energetic alignment, we do not have to reserve our manifestations with just the New Moon this month. Much like the strawberries ripening in the north we too have a time for cultivating love, prosperity, closeness and abundance in our relationships and life in general. If you are in a relationship you may want to look at what you are creating together and if you are not, you may want to look at what you are creating in areas of your life that are important to you.

June Overall:

Using the energetic cycles and seasons to set your goals, heal and manifest what you want in life is such a powerful tool to be able to navigate life daily without resistance. This month is about feeling safe in your life and part of the way to safety is through forgiveness. This might seem like an unusual route to safety but when we hold on to grudges or hurts, we are telling ourselves it is unsafe to be loved or unsafe to be us therefore we cannot attract what we want. This month we want to create movement towards our desires.

Gaia is an internationally known healer, medium and spiritual coach. She founded Soul33; a healing company and the modality of Soul Progression Therapy ® when she had an awakening at the age of 33. She channels messages from spirit guides, uses energy healing and is able to speak to your soul and see your past lives. She sees your soul blueprint. She reminds you who you are in a very practical way. Gaia has a Masters in Management Studies, is a Reiki Master and has a qualification from Omega Institute New York in Past Life Regression Therapy. She has created a spiritual guidance app and is the founder of Spiritual Health Magazine to help others understand their journey. www.soul33.com for her Spiritual Guidance app search ‘Soul33’ on your app store.