FREE|STYLE with Julie Roulston #8

Editor-at-large Julie Roulston brings FashioNZ readers the very best from her fashion beat, each week…






Melinda Williams and Greg Murrell at Ryder Britomart
Photo:  Kelly Parlane, Cooper and Company


Ryder salon – Britomart celebrated its opening last Wednesday with drinks in the beautiful new Customs Street East salon.  The grown-up party was notable for a high designer headcount:  Francis, Denise and Benny from WORLD were all in attendance along with Pebbles Hooper; Kate Sylvester and Wayne Conway (her husband and partner in the business); Marc Moore from Stolen Girlfriends, and Steve Dunstan from Huffer. 

All are either new neighbours to Ryder – the first salon in the smarter-every-day Britomart precinct – or have a partnership with KMS, for whom Murrell is one of the global artistic team.  Nonetheless, their attendance speaks for the industry’s respect and affection for Murrell, on a night which also held a flash bar opening (Libertine at Victoria Park) and VIVA's 15th birthday celebrations.




Badgely Mischka Fall 2012


In other hair news, Danny Pato and Michael Sisengrath have been invited to be part of the Moroccannoil Hair team at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week – New York.  They will be working under Moroccannoil Creative Director Antonio Corral-Calero, and the two big name shows they are confirmed for are Badgely Mischka and Carolina Herrera (with more shows yet to be announced – rumour has it that Vera Wang and Roberto Cavalli may be part of their schedule).  This will be the first time the guys have worked on a Fashion Week team outside Australasia. It’s hard for them to be away from their Ponsonby salon d&m for 10 days but the pair didn’t hesitate to take up the “incredible opportunity.”  Icing on the cake – Danny sat up all night in order to buy VIP tickets to the Madonna concert, which they’ll attend while in New York.




Servilles Academy student Sandra from Intake 125


In a week where Disco Pants took up a lot of space both in print and online, leave it to the award-winning Servilles Academy to spell it out in a kindly message to their students:

“We believe leggings should be warn as under garments. If you insist on wearing under garments as pants please follow by these guidelines:

1.    Think long and hard before deciding on wearing leggings as pants. Leggings are generally made from a synthetic stretchy material that clings to everything and leaves nothing for the imagination.
2.    Wear them with a long shirt and blazer as above to double the chances of not showing off what you don’t want to show off.
3.    Accessorise, rock those heels, make sure you hair is polished and marry it with some popping pink lipstick as Sandra from Intake 125 is doing. You will have to do everything within your power to dress up those jeggings, otherwise you will just look like you forgot to wear a dress. Said with the kindest of intentions. Mwah.”





A number of fashion industry people are participating in Dry July – a charity initiative which sees participants swear off drinking for the month and seek sponsorship.  Journalist Helene Ravlich was early to put her hand up and her glass down; followed by Kathryn Wilson, Marc Moore, the team at Curate including Jill Blomfield, New Zealand Fashion Festival 2011 Social Media supplier Jen Corbett, Pead PR’s Kate Berich, and me.  Kathryn Wilson says "I really wanted to support the cause and found out the 'golden ticket ' concept was a way to be part of the fundraiser while working in events I had already committed to later in the month. The idea is a fun challenge, I have convinced several friends and family members to do 'dry July' with me!" 

The money raised will go to  The Northern Regional Cancer and Blood Service at Auckland Hospital, which treats an average of 352 patients a day (in 2011 10,700 patients came through the centre for chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment).

If you’re feeling charitable or abstemious, please visit

– Julie Roulston