
FNZ Creators Power List: Marc Moore

I’m probs not your conventional ‘influencer’, that’s for sure.

I have an instagram page to keep me connected mainly.  Connected to people, but also connected with what’s happening in our industry and within the zeitgeist.For me, my own social media channel is there to help compliment what we’re doing with our brand Stolen Girlfriends Club.

I’m able to share things like behind-the-scenes content when we’re working on brand projects or shoots, and i guess it gives the viewers a slightly different perspective too.

Compared to what they might see if they were looking at the SGC instagram.  There’s the brand stuff and then there’s also a bunch of selfies, and the odd life-moment thrown in for good measure.

Check out Marc on Instagram

The FNZ Creators Power List 2023 was brought to life with the support of Powerhouse