FNZ Creators Power List: Hannah Barrett

I often joke that I am either in hot pink sequins or all black – there isn’t a huge amount of in-between.

After university I worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers as a tax accountant whilst I got my CA. I soon realized that accounting wasn’t the profession for me. I needed an outlet that expressed my creativity and complimented my extroverted nature (I love people!)  I left my corporate job and started doing social media marketing full time. I thoroughly enjoyed the change of pace, meeting new people and the variety which my days now have. 

When I am not shooting content, you’ll find me at home in the throes of mum-life. I have two daughters who keep me on my toes! My husband plays professional rugby and is often traveling so between us, there is never a dull moment (just the way I like it!). We are just about to move to Japan for 6 months as my husband has accepted a contract with a Japanese rugby team so that will be an adventure for us. 

For me fashion is about how you feel wearing the clothes. I dress depending on my mood and also for comfort. I love mixing and matching high street and designer items. I love colour and I love prints. I am not trying to change the world. Social media is a place where I share snippets of my life and things that catch my eye. If I can make people laugh or inspire them to be the best versions of themselves then I consider that a win. I don’t take myself too seriously and I am all about being authentic.

Check out Hannah on Instagram and TikTok

The FNZ Creators Power List 2023 was brought to life with the support of Powerhouse