FNZ Creators Power List: Ash Owens

As the daughter of an artist, I have always yearned for a job in a creative industry and as an independent, only-child-Sagittarius, I needed to work for nobody except myself.

The “influencer” world was my dream job and still to this day feels like the perfect career for me. As soon as I completed my bachelor’s degree at AUT University in 2017, I dived into the content creator/social media world head first and I have been a full time creator ever since. I have always loved ‘nice’ things. Call me a magpie, but the craftsmanship in fashion is always something I have found fascinating (excellence student in NCEA fashion & textiles over here!) and I just really respect a beautifully made piece of clothing and how confident wearing something so high quality can make you feel.

Something I like to talk about a lot on my platforms is that quality clothing is not exclusive to high price points, I’m also a keen thrifter and nothing brings me more joy than finding a spectacular piece second hand from a thrift or consignment store. From Designer Wardrobe to Tatty’s to Trademe and random thrift stores plotted around Auckland, I love finding a perfectly crafted vintage piece that has proved its quality over time or a good discounted designer item.

In terms of my social media influence, my goal is to inspire my community to shop smarter and to love and value their wardrobes, to collect special pieces and take care of them properly so that they last a lifetime. Quality and personal style will always win over fast fashion trends. It’s about knowing who you are, what you love to wear and editing your wardrobe to reflect that!

Check out Ash on Instagram and TikTok

The FNZ Creators Power List 2023 was brought to life with the support of Powerhouse