Finalists of the DHL Express Fashion Export Scholarship for 2011



DHL, the world's leading express and logistics company, is pleased to announce the finalists of the DHL Express Fashion Export Scholarship for 2011.

The 2011 finalists are:

Blak (based in Mt Maunganui)
Lela Jacobs (based in Wellington)
Nyne (based in Hamilton)

The winner of the scholarship will receive international freight to the value of NZ$10,000 and coaching in freight and logistics from DHL Express; as well as a tailored export mentoring package from Fashion Industry New Zealand (FINZ) and an annual FINZ membership.

In a new addition to the scholarship this year, all three finalists will also be invited to join the New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE) Path to Market programme for apparel exporters, which aims to improve the rate and speed of market entry to Australia.

The winner of the DHL Express Fashion Export Scholarship will be announced Wednesday 30 November.

Entrants were invited to complete an official application and submit a design portfolio, which was judged by fashion and exporting industry leaders.




The judges were:

Margarita Robertson, creative director and co-founder of NOM*D; one of New Zealand’s most iconic and enduring fashion brands
Erica Crawford, prominent New Zealand entrepreneur and exporter; co-founder of Kim Crawford Wines and managing principal at Tentpole Holdings
Megan Wildermoth, national strategic account manager (fashion and textiles) at DHL Express
Mapihi Opai, executive officer at Fashion Industry New Zealand (FINZ).

Megan Wildermoth says the DHL Express Fashion Export Scholarship enables DHL to continue to support the fashion industry, which is such an important sector of the New Zealand export market.

“We’ve had some great entries this year, but the finalists selected are impressive designers in the New Zealand fashion scene. They’ve demonstrated strong export potential in terms of design and strategy, with all three trading positively. We are very excited to be working with them to help them realise their exporting potential and achieve international growth.”


Lela Jacobs

Quotes on the finalists from the 2011 judges:

Margarita Robertson – “It’s wonderful to see the return of irreverence with this year’s finalists. Each of them has a strong business approach but without sacrificing creativity. The result is a very sharp, design-led product.”

Erica Crawford – “I’m pleased with the combination of design aesthetic and commercial insight shown by this year’s finalists. It’s very encouraging to see the balance being struck, between strategic business goals and their commitment to creativity.”

The DHL Express Fashion Export Scholarship is in its fourth year, and is designed to identify New Zealand’s hottest up-and-coming fashion exporter and assist them in achieving international growth. It is open to New Zealand fashion designers who have been exporting for less than four years.

“FINZ has enjoyed a long and fruitful partnership with DHL Express. Over the years, they have provided untold support for the industry and continue to forge ties with a whole new generation of New Zealand fashion exporters,” says Mapihi Opai, executive officer at Fashion Industry New Zealand (FINZ).

“It’s also great to have New Zealand Trade & Enterprise involved in the scholarship this year, which presents new opportunities around export training for our three finalists,” says Mapihi Opai.

Stolen Girlfriends Club won the inaugural scholarship in 2008, and Lonely Hearts was awarded the scholarship in 2009 and Twenty Seven Names won in 2010. The scholarship was launched in Australia for the first time in 2010 and Sydney based label bec & bridge was awarded the scholarship.



Fashion Industry New Zealand (FINZ)
New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE)
M.A.C Cosmetics
The Langham Auckland