Feel Better this July



New Zealand cancer charity, Look Good Feel Better, is encouraging Kiwis to feel good on the outside and in by supporting their awareness campaign, Feel Better Month this July.

The charity, which has been part of the New Zealand community for 24 years, will launch the first Feel Better Month this July. This campaign is about making Kiwis look and feel great while supporting a charity that does just that for women and teens with cancer.

Look Good Feel Better is dedicated to improving the wellbeing and self-confidence of people undergoing treatment for any type of cancer through practical workshops.

Look Good Feel Better General Manager, Clare O’Higgins, says when we feel better on the outside it has a powerful effect on the way we feel on the inside too.

“Women with cancer who experience a Look Good Feel Better workshop often walk out with not only a smile on their face but renewed confidence too. We want New Zealanders to feel positive and confident, like they do.

“That’s why our theme for July is designed to not only raise awareness and funds but to spread that positive vibe to those who contribute during Feel Better Month.

“We run over 196 workshops nationwide in 24 centres. We hope this campaign will help us reach our goal of being in 30 centres in the next twelve months, so each participant travels no more than 30 minutes to attend,” adds O’Higgins.

Want to brighten your smile during July?


Farmers and Elizabeth Arden have made it easy to feel better inside and out by donating $2 from every Elizabeth Arden lipstick sold during Feel Better Month.

Shop at Farmers nationwide this July and purchase the beautiful range of Look Good Feel Better’s famous lipstick pens and bookmark or emery boards. The sale of these items will go directly to create more Look Good Feel Better workshops throughout the charity.

Saben, New Zealand leather accessories label, has also come on board with their ‘Power of Red’ range to support Feel Better Month. Purchase selected items from the range and all proceeds will go directly to Look Good Feel Better.



Brighten your home, office or put a smile on someone else’s face by purchasing a beautiful bouquet with a delicious twist from Edible Blooms New Zealand. A donation will go to Look Good Feel Better throughout July.

To round off the month of activity, Look Good Feel Better will be at Westfield Shopping Centres from Friday 25 to Sunday 27 with their Wall of Wishes.
Shoppers will have the opportunity to write a message of hope and positivity on a colourful paper butterfly and attach their personal message to the Wall of Wishes.

After Feel Better Month, their Walls of Wishes will be shared at Look Good Feel Better workshops across the country where participants will continue to contribute motivating messages.

The nationwide Feel Better Month campaign kicks off July 1st.

For more details visit: www.lookgoodfeelbetter.co.nz