Jockey NZFW 2019

Jockey NZFW 2019

Finale at Jockey NZFW 2019. Image by Getty Images.

The Jockey show is the one show each year where fashion is most certainly not at the forefront of everyone’s mind. That said, it is a show that is always eagerly and enthusiastically attended…

The theme this year is a thinly veiled reference to the Rugby World Cup being held in Tokyo. Called Bring On Tokyo and it was held at the Q Theatre off Queen Street. The theatre was filled with a huge industrial rig two stories high and sitting atop and keeping the proceedings lively were a DJ and a set of dancers.

First out for the evening where models (female – it may be worth differentiating at this point) in sleep sets and nighties in the palest pinks and blues. With cherry blossom motifs that were liberally sprinkled throughout the rest of the proceedings, there were also oversized cardigans that I thought looked so comfortable I’m surprised someone didn’t grab one off a model and take it home!

The men wore boxer shorts and singlets. At this point I couldn’t tell you much about the garments themselves, just that they were boxers… I mean really, what is there to say about gentlemen in their underwear and a roomful of women? There was lots of smiling from ear to ear and clapping and a fair amount of cheering. Again I really couldn’t tell you much about what they were wearing…

I have it on reasonably good authority that the gentlemen concerned where Damian McKenzie, Brad Leper, Nguni Laumape, Scott Curry, Kurt Baker – All Blacks in some form or another…

The third “act” of the evening was a Japanese drumming team called Haere Mai Taiko interestingly led by an exceptionally capable woman…

Followed by more gentlemen in their underwear. And more clapping and cheering from the ladies. Followed by some very pretty bra and brief sets in soft baby blues and blush pink with the standard black lace thrown in for good measure.

More beautiful men. Striped underwear I think (I wasn’t really looking too closely by this point although I did notice some abs). More cheering…

And then a finale with all the models, and a whole heap of exploding ticker tape. A very fun way to end a most fun show. It’s always fun to watch everyone leaving from a Jockey show – they always seem to be smiling…

P.S. – On a more serious note I was pleased to see the inclusion of women with more shape than the usual more uniform model shape – woman with breasts and bottoms, with a touch of cellulite here and there. Tall women, and shortly women.

But did I mention that there were gentlemen too???

Images by Getty Images.