Emma Lewisham on why small consistencies are the secret to success – both in business and motherhood.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and if 2023 taught me one thing it was the importance of consistency and patience.

Often in business, and in life, people think it’s that one big thing you do that makes an impact or drives success. Last year really reiterated to me that this isn’t the case. That in fact, success is built from an unwavering commitment to consistency – day in and day out – brick by brick. That it’s the little things you do that lay the foundations for a strong and prosperous business, relationship or lifestyle. 

The challenging thing with consistency is it’s not glamorous, nor immediately gratifying. When it comes to business, last year was a year of groundwork. While we had some incredible moments, it wasn’t a year that from the outside would have looked particularly big, grand or press worthy, but it was one of the busiest and hardest years I’ve had to date. 

We were setting up extensive infrastructure to launch Emma Lewisham officially into the UK and we were starting completely from scratch, as a brand unknown to the UK market. We could have launched from afar, but going into 75 SpaceNK doors from launch meant the partnership had to be a success. And for me, there was simply no other option than to be there, on the ground, ensuring this was the case.  

I spent two months in the UK, away from my family for weeks at a time, literally building the brand store by store, person by person, and one conversation at a time. I met and built relationships with the press, people I met at local cafes and restaurants, our retailers – from the CEOs to the people in the stores – and I visited stores all day, every day. I was on and off the tubes, buses and trains, lugging around the biggest handbag I owned filled with products give to anyone who might benefit from them, answering emails when I managed to get a seat, and then piling a days’ worth of work as a CEO into each late evening and early morning (while also trying to Facetime my daughter before she left for preschool). It was incredibly busy and emotionally exhausting. Yet, I knew that it was the right approach and simply had to trust that in time, I would see the fruits of my labour. 

And with this approach, there is no shortcut. There is no ‘quick-fix’ or marketing strategy to building genuine relationships and success doesnt come overnight. It’s about time, commitment, consistency and connection. I genuinely want to know the people who are recommending Emma Lewisham to their customers, and I want them to genuinely trust me and our products. 

Now, less than a year later, we are seeing success far beyond what was forecast. We are exceeding sales targets in the UKs largest luxury beauty retailer and outperforming much bigger, heritage brands that launched skincare into the same retailer, at the same time as us. To achieve this took so much hard work and I just had to trust that it would pay off. Now, reflecting, it really does feel like a bit of a David and Goliath moment. 

I’ve also come to understand that this consistency, patience, and trust are just as integral to motherhood as they are in business. I don’t think it’s any secret that what is typically required to be a successful entrepreneur and what is required to be the picture-perfect parent, are at odds. I’m sure any working parent can relate to the guilt of feeling like they are missing out. That maybe they aren’t there enough. That maybe they haven’t made the right choice. That maybe – you fill in the blank. And I am no exception. 

I launched Emma Lewisham when my daughter was only a few months old, and I do, unfortunately, miss out on things. And it never gets easier. She is the most important person in my life, and I eternally wish I could be in two places at once. However, I have learnt that while I may miss some things, what is most important to her is consistency. It’s me showing up every day, even when it’s been a long and challenging day in the office and being completely present with her. Listening to her, giving her my undivided attention and genuinely engaging with her. It’s not the big things, it’s the little things. Every day, day in and day out. The consistency of my undivided attention and love, that deepen our relationship and soften the times I can’t always be there. 

I guess in summary, 2024 for me has been a year that’s felt lighter. Where I’ve been reminded of the joys that come from sowing seeds and being consistent in tending to them. In both entrepreneurship and in life, there are highs and lows, things are always evolving and changing, and the person you were last year – the person you needed to be – is different from the person you are now. But that’s the beauty of life, of growth. And I’ve found that by simply maintaining consistency across my commitments and character, I’m able to surrender to all the rest.