Duffle&Co launch innovative pineapple leather bags

Duffle and Co begin using Pineapple leather

Duffle&Co’s new bags made with Piñatex. The Emily Crossbody (left) and The Zanco Pouch (right). Images supplied.

Duffle&Co recently introduced pineapple leather into their range and are the first business in New Zealand to utilise this innovative material. The new pineapple leather is called Pi​ñ​atex and offers a chemical-free, zero-waste, vegan-friendly alternative to leather. It was developed by Dr. Carmen Hijosa and her company Ananas Anam, after her work as a leather export consultant in the Philippines.

As consumers and brands look for more socially and environmentally responsible fabric, products like Pi​ñ​atex are meeting that need. It is made from the cellulose fibres from discarded pineapple leaves and is a byproduct of existing agriculture. Once leaves have been stripped of fibre the leftover biomass can be used as a nutrient-rich natural fertiliser or a biofuel, so nothing is wasted.

“We feel uneasy about our future, particularly when it comes to the depletion of natural resources,” says Kai Daniel, Co Founder of Duffle&Co. “The introduction of Pi​ñ​atex into our range is a huge leap, taking us a step closer to only using the best natural materials that are environmentally and socially sound.”

Pi​ñ​atex has been used for two of Duffle&Co’s new bags, The Emily Crossbody ($219) and The Zanco Pouch ($119). They’re available in a bold new hue of paprika, which the brand says ‘dares consumers to wear their values’.

Duffle&Co are known for utilising innovative natural and recycled materials for their products with the aim of working to restore the planet and empower people. The brand ‘believe ​in a world where producing products that benefit people and the planet is the expectation not the exception’.

Duffle and Co begin using Pineapple leather

Duffle and Co begin using Pineapple leather

Duffle and Co begin using Pineapple leather

Duffle and Co begin using Pineapple leather

Images supplied.