Designer Nighties Return


In 2014, EziBuy and Breast Cancer Cure (BCC) joined forces and collaborated with some of New Zealand’s top designers.


The result – a range of super stylish nighties designed by Trelise Cooper, Andrea Moore and Moochi that sold out in record time, leaving many wanting more.


Back by popular demand, these designer nighties will be available for purchase from EziBuy in store and online from Monday the 23rd of February. 


New Zealand has one of the highest rates of incidence and the third highest death rate from breast cancer in the western world. While this is a horrifying statistic, BCC is working hard to find a cure. 


There are limited numbers, so ladies will need to be in quick if they want to be tucked up in bed with one of these beauties! $15 from every nightie sold goes to Breast Cancer Cure to help raise funds for their future changing research.


All three nighties are available from, $39.99 each.