Cyndi Lauper and Lady Gaga join forces with M.A.C

Cyndi Lauper and Lady Gaga join forces with M.A.C

Meet the new voices of VIVA GLAM…Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper.

They love lipstick. They love fashion. They want girls all over the world to have fun, but safely, with eyes wide open to the facts and fictions about women and HIV and AIDS.

The ladies are channeling their high-voltage diva energy for VIVA GLAM and igniting From Our Lips – the new M·A·C Cosmetics VIVA GLAM campaign. In honour of all of the women who are living with the HIV and AIDS virus, and those working to curb its spread, the M·A·C AIDS Fund will announce $2.5 million in new donations to fund model programs that address the vulnerabilities and inequities that place women at
increased risk for HIV and AIDS.

Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper are visible and vocal, using their star power to inspire everyone to make a difference by purchasing the VIVA GLAM lipstick that bears their signature. With every cent of each VIVA GLAM going towards the M·A·C AIDS Fund, this is truly a lipstick that has the power to change the world.

With the dynamic energy of these two new spokespeople the M·A·C AIDS Fund, having already raised over $150 Million to combat HIV and AIDS, is giving a voice and support to women – of All Ages, All Races, All Sexes and from all walks of life.

The new femmes of VIVA GLAM want to encourage conversation about the kind of relationships women want to have, and how to keep it safe, seductive and satisfying. From Our Lips focuses on global HIV hot spots, including South Africa, the United States’ rural South, and Washington, D.C. It supports programs in regions that are confronting the complicated causes of HIV infection in women and girls: Violence, discrimination and unequal access to financial and social resources.

Women are more likely to become infected with HIV than men. While the overall rate of new HIV infections has slowed, the number of women contracting HIV is growing in every area of the world. In sub-Saharan Africa, six out of every ten adults living with HIV are women. In the United States, where there are far more resources for HIV and AIDS prevention and care, the number of women living with
HIV has tripled since 1985.

The new M·A·C VIVA GLAM campaign, conceived by Senior Vice President and Creative Director James Gager, was shot by photographer Ellen von Unwerth. The campaign visual will launch with VIVA GLAM Cyndi, a light coral red lipstick, and VIVA GLAM Gaga, a light blue pink lipstick, in New Zealand on March 1, 2010 (Suggested Retail Price $40.00).