Signature Style

From the colours you wear to the clothing styles that suit, make-up application & hairstyling, wardrobe planning & shopping, we’re here to help.

How many times have you been out clothes shopping & bought nothing – or worse, bought something you didn’t like?

Want a wardrobe that really works – whatever the occasion?

Personal Image Consultants…it’s all a bit eighties isn’t it? Aren’t they the fuddy-duddy women who taught you 100 ways to tie a scarf, wore cobalt blue suits with big shoulder pads and told you what colours to wear? Well, yes…

Signature Style is a fresh face for a tired industry. We’ve taken something that has admittedly needed it’s own image update and put our own very special, very now stamp on it.

As well as the individual Off The Peg services we offer, take a look at our makeover programs.

There’s our Designer Suit – eight steps to an entirely new you, or our Tailored Jacket – the four things you really need to know.

What sets Signature Style apart? Put quite simply, it’s your experience with us. We love what we do and we make your every interaction with us a positive delight – we want you to feel as though you are taking part in something special when you work with us – we really want to exceed your expectations.

Looking good is easy – looking great can sometimes take a little help.

Signature Style offer a range of one-on-one make-over programmes and individual services to help men & women look their very best – always. From the colours you wear to the clothing styles that suit, make-up application & hairstyling, wardrobe planning & shopping, we’re here to help.

Get your Summer Style Sorted! Let Signature Style help you get your look together this summer – we’ve got loads of new season offers to help you work your wardrobe.

Call or email us NOW for details!

Look Great – Feel Fantastic!