Win! A Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 Electric Toothbrush

Philips Sonicare protective clean electric toothbrush competition


The Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 will be your new favourite must-have and is suitable for everyone including those with braces, fillings, crowns and veneers. The Sonicare technology combined with a pressure sensor gives users cleaner teeth in just one week, removing plaque from teeth and the gum line. Sonicare Quadpacer and Smartimer technology means you are notified when enough time has been spent on each part of the mouth and when two-minutes brush time is up. Not only is this a smart toothbrush for everyday home use, you can also take it travelling with its built in charging travel case. The Philips ProtectiveClean will work with you for a fresher and healthier smile.

Available from Noel Leeming, Harvey Norman and Farmers.

We have 1 x Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 Electric Toothbrush (RRP $249.99 total) to give away!

To enter simply fill in the form below.

Entries close midday 25th March 2019.

Competition entry terms and conditions can be found here.

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