Win! 1 of 3 Dr Libby One Teaspoon Challenge Packs

Dr Libby


Leading nutritional biochemist, Dr Libby Weaver is calling on Kiwis to take part in the One Teaspoon Challenge by drinking one teaspoon of Bio Blends Organic Daily Greens and Radiant Reds powder in water, every day for 28 days.

The nutrient-dense powder formulated by Dr Libby has been designed to help busy people get more fruit and vegetables into their day with ease, for better health and improved energy.

Recent data from the Ministry of Health reveals a concerning statistic: only 10.4% of adults and only 6.4% of children in New Zealand are meeting the recommended daily intake of vegetables.

This lack of fruit and vegetables often results in fatigue, a lack of vitality and for some, digestive issues, which may go unnoticed until they become significant concerns.

“While it would be ideal to obtain all of our required nutrients solely from food, it is sadly no longer feasible in today’s world. Most soils lack the necessary nutrients, as far too often only three nutrients are replenished, leaving a deficit of at least 10 others,” she says.

“When nutrients are absent from the soil, they cannot be present in our food. Therefore, we must find alternative ways to obtain these vital nutrients for our health and energy. This is precisely why I formulated the Bio Blends range.”

Among the range, the Organic Daily Greens and Radiant Reds powder delivers concentrated nutrients and antioxidants that support myriad biochemical reactions within the body, resulting in numerous benefits.

“Getting your body to a strong place nutritionally is one of the most effective things you can do to support your immune system year round, almost like an insurance policy for winter,” says Dr Libby.

“You want to come out the other end of winter more robust not less so and the One Teaspoon Challenge is designed to support you in that quest.”

By participating in the One Teaspoon Challenge, people are encouraged to consume just one teaspoon of Bio Blends Organic Daily Greens and Radiant Reds every day for 28 days and experience, for themselves, the impact on their health and vitality.

The One Teaspoon Challenge kicks off on Monday 3 July (you can sign up at to experience just how good your body is designed to feel when you give it additional nutrients.


Enter for the chance to win one of three One Teaspoon Challenge packs — each of which includes a bottle of Organic Daily Greens & Radiant Reds, a daily tracking chart and supportive educational videos from Dr Libby to help keep you on track.

Entries close 5pm Monday 26 June 2023.

Competition entry terms and conditions can be found here.

Dr Libby


Dr Libby also offers some advice on helping improve health and energy levels.

What changes do you hope the One Teaspoon Challenge will encourage for participants?

I hope it encourages people to consider their daily intake of the vital nutrients we obtain from whole real foods – particularly vegetables – and the forming of new health-supporting habits. It takes three weeks to form a habit so after 28 days of the One Teaspoon Challenge, participants tend to find that adding more nutrients becomes part of their daily routine.

What other small changes can people make to their daily habits?

Some small changes that help generally with nourishment include swapping out one (and incrementally more) takeaway or eat-out meals a week for home-cooked meals, working towards consuming seven serves of vegetables per day (3.5 cups of cooked veg or seven cups of salad veg or a combination – you can do this), and/or paying attention to the ingredients lists on packaged foods and avoiding products with added sugars and preservatives. Remember that small changes done consistently, produce extraordinary results over time.

What’s inside the Bio Blends Organic Daily Greens and Radiant Reds that make it so good for us?

Packed full of antioxidants from all of the plants it contains, the blend is further supported by natural minerals and vitamins from wheatgrass and barley grass. The inclusion of concentrated broccoli and dandelion support detoxification and elimination, while beetroot supports oxygenation and energy.

How should people support their immune system as we head towards winter?

You cannot beat the benefits of eating in a way that focuses on whole real food and minimising junk. Nutrients that are particularly good for immunity include vitamin C (found in citrus, parsley, and berries), zinc (oysters, red meat, eggs, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds), and vitamin D (best obtained from daily sunlight on the skin).

What are common misconceptions about daily/weekly intakes of fruit and vegetables?

That fruit juice is as nourishing as whole fruits (it is far more concentrated, which increases our sugar intake, without the fibre that counteracts the impact on our blood), that exercising can override a poor quality way of eating – it can’t – and that it takes ages to prepare meals that contain vegetables – chopping them up is really quick.

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