Tips for a glowing complexion + enter to win Clémence Organics

Clémence Organics comp

The quality of your skin is influenced by various factors, including the season, diet, climate, stress levels, and skincare products you use.

Rather than having a fixed skin type, your skin is a dynamic and adaptable organ that requires proper care. The right adjustments to your diet and skincare routine can help ensure your skin remains happy and vibrant all year round.

In this pursuit of healthy winter skin, respected Sydney-based naturopath and the visionary behind Clémence Organics, Bridget Carmady, shares her top tips, empowering you to unlock the secret to a glowing complexion.

Tips for winter glow 

Prioritise hydration: Dry skin is a common issue during this season, so it’s important to layer multiple moisturising products. Give your skin the hydration it craves by applying the Serum, Lotion, and Crème. This differs from the summer approach where using either serum or lotion/crème is recommended.

Don’t over-cleanse: Basically, the more you cleanse, the more natural oils you strip from your skin. To keep skin happy, keep cleansing to a once-a-day affair only. Choose the time of day when your skin is at its dirtiest, most commonly the evening, to use the Refining Cleanser.

Exfoliate more frequently: Because we are moving less, skin cell turnover is slowed, which means there is a greater build-up of dead skin cells, leading to more dry spots. To combat this recommend using the 2-in-1 Face Exfoliant + Mask every second day to nourish skin and increase the turnover of skin cells. This keeps skin smooth and glowing.

Don’t forget to tone: Using a toner (either our Tone + Hydrate Spritz or Ultimate Biome Spritz) after cleansing keeps your skin’s biome happy (which means less redness and breakouts) and adds extra moisture.

Change up your diet: During winter I recommend to feed skin by adding extra fats to my diet including olive oil, avocado, nuts, and oily fish (e.g. salmon).

Give your skin a helping boost and enter to win a Clémence Organics Winter Bundle prize pack, including cult products Face Creme, Repair Face Serum, and SOS Balm.

Entries close midday 10 July 2023.

Competition entry terms and conditions can be found here.

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