
Competition Winners – December 2016

Karen Murrell Collectors set

The December competitions have been drawn, find out if you were one of the lucky winners below.

Winner! Karen Murrell Collector Set
C, Bland

Winner! $300 Mi Piaci and Merchant 1948 voucher
J, Stubbs

Winners! 5 Swisse Summer Suncare Packs
S, Pask
M, Cornelius
G, Brown
B, Seaward
A, Aitcheson

Winner! $250 Augustine voucher
K, Howell

Winners! MOR Gift Packs for you and a friend
P, La Belle
D, McCullough

Winners! 5 Double Passes to La La Land
J, Humphries
B, Gibbs
E, Mercer
P, Chen
L, Lynch

If you think you’ve won a prize but haven’t heard from us then drop us a line at [email protected]