5 reasons you need a $42 comb in a cost-of-living crisis

And it’s not what you’re thinking!

I’ve been walking around for the past week thinking almost non-stop about a comb that was kindly gifted to me, that I thought retailed for $80. Turns out, I got that bit wrong. It is $42, which seems comparatively inexpensive, but it is not. Or is it?

It’s around the same price of two espresso martinis at Prego. Or a new release hardback at an independent book store. Or a pair of Videris undies. Or a decent enough gel manicure at a nail bar in a mall. It’s a few dollars cheaper than a Maison Pearson comb, and almost 2000% more expensive than the lowest price, highest rated comb at Kmart. 

Without naming names or giving context, because hairdresser beef is sometimes a thing, I asked a top Auckland stylist if there is any reason the average person with hair should shell out on a designer comb when a $2.25 comb from Kmart might suffice. This stylist said absolutely not. A comb is a comb.

But while the $42 Chloe Zara Essentials comb is perhaps not as essential as the name suggests, there are many perfectly valid reasons to buy one. They are:

  1. It’s very pretty. Made from plant-based cellulose acetate in two classic colourways – a chic tortoiseshell and a minimalist bone – and with the desirable Chloe Zara branding embossed in gold along the top, it will add instant status to any dressing table flatlay.
  2. It’s very functional. No more functional than the Kmart equivalent, but it could be dysfunctional. Therefore, its functionality earns it a tick in the ‘pros’ column of the ‘Pros/cons of the Chloe Zara comb’ list. 
  3. It might encourage you to make a ritual of scalp care, which is a cornerstone of hair care and of particular pertinence to anyone wishing to grow their locks at a rapid rate. A healthy, stimulated scalp makes for stronger, longer, shinier, healthier hair. It’s just science. And if lesser combs have failed to commit you to the scalp care regime you need, the Chloe Zara comb could be a worthy investment.
  4. You are going through a messy break up which means you will likely never see the second-tier toiletries you stashed at your ex’s again. Was a dusty old comb with no sentimental value among them? Do you feel enraged regardless? Go buy yourself a nice new comb. And call your therapist.
  5. The world is boiling. A single kumara costs $6 at Countdown. Billionaires are dying at the bottom of the ocean. Taylor Swift concerts are causing earthquakes. Your friends are getting married and having babies and you can’t even get a text back. Nothing matters. Like the comb? Buy the comb.